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Co-Teaching Interventions Education Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Collaborating with another teacher or a paraprofessional to co-teach helps to meet the unique needs of all students in an integrated setting. Learning how to develop positive relationships, share responsibilities, plan, and implement instructional delivery together can be challenging, but has a multitude of benefits. How teachers make decisions about behavior management, classroom routines, and delivery of instruction can directly affect the learning of the students as well as the overall classroom climate.

Using what you have learned about various co-teaching models, think about how each of those models could be applied to the small group of students you identified for the Topic 5 assignment and how use of each co-teaching technique could benefit the students in the group.

In a 500-750 word narrative, discuss the following:

Summarize three co-teaching models you could use to deliver the lesson.

Explain how the use of each co-teaching model applies elements of effective collaboration to support learning for students with disabilities.

Explain how each co-teaching model would be applied by describing what it would look like when being implemented in the classroom.

Justify how the use of each co-teaching model could benefit the students that make up the small group.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

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Co-Teaching Interventions
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Co-Teaching Interventions
Summarize Three Co-Teaching Models You Could Use to Deliver the Lesson.
Having a variety of co-teaching models helps instructors arrive at the best approach based on each class's objectives and their students (Dove & Honigsfeld, 2017). Out of the various co-teaching models available, I would choose to use the one-teach-one assist model, the one-teach-one observe model and the parallel teaching approach. I choose these three because they are the easiest to execute and, based on existing research, the most proficient. In the one-teach-one assist model, I would team-up with another teacher, and we would decide between us who would teach and who would be assisting. Then, during the lesson, the one teaching would start the lesson as the other teacher helped the students through the learning process. In the one-teach-one-observe model, I would again need to collaborate with another teacher for the lesson. Using this model, we would also have to choose who would be teaching and who would be observing. The one teaching would begin the class as the other observed the student's behavior and concentration. Finally, I would collaborate with a teacher to help conduct the lesson using the parallel teaching model. Using this model, we would have to separate the class into two groups, and each of us would take one group. We would both conduct teaching, observation, and other roles required of instructors in class.
Explain How the Use of Each Co-Teaching Model Applies Elements of Effective Collaboration to Support Learning for Students with Disabilities.
Helping children with disabilities in a class is essential because it ensures that they are not left behind by other students (Cook & McDuffie-Landrum, 2020). The one-teach-one assist model helps students with disabilities because where they do not understand or cannot perform, the teaching in charge of assisting can aid them. The one-teach-one observe model is effective in helping students with disabilities. For instance, when the teacher in charge of observation notes that a student with a disability in the class is having a hard time concentrating, they can take note of this and then work together with the other teacher to develop a solution for the student. The parallel teaching method is also instrumental in helping students with disabilities. First, by dividing the class into two, students with disabilities can also be equally divided among these two groups. By doing so, each of the teachers can assess how special students perform when mixed with other students. Also, by dividing the class into two, the instructors can better spot great and poor performers among the students with disabilities (Cook & McDuffie-L...
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