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Education Essay: Special Education Testing and History

Essay Instructions:

Teachers often work with families of different cultures and experiences. Positive, clear collaboration, and support between the home and school environments can provide a more seamless service delivery and help to meet the needs of all students. Confidentiality requirements, respect for diversity, the effect of language learning, stress, and cultural diversity during learning and assessment are important factors to consider as a teacher.

As teachers advocate for their students and families, they must find ways to collaborate with staff, caregivers, and the student to meet the needs of students in a variety of situations. Teachers must also consider assistive technologies that can support motor skills, comprehension skills, communication skills, and academic skills for students with learning disabilities. These devices promote access to inclusive classroom settings, community settings, and typically developing peers. The case study used in this assignment presents a situation that requires consideration of these topics.

Read the following case study to inform the assignment.

Case Study: Larissa

Grade: 3rd

Age: 8

Larissa is a female third grade student with a specific learning disability in written expression, reading comprehension, and executive functioning disorder. In first grade, she was assessed for special education services and was found eligible in the areas of written expression and executive functioning due to a diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD by an outside psychologist referred by her primary care physician.

Larissa did not make the expected progress in reading during her first grade year. When tested by the school psychologist at the end of first grade it was determined that she struggles with phonological awareness and rapid naming. Larissa was below the 16th percentile in word attack skills, word identification and single-word spelling.

Larissa’s verbal expression is close to grade level, but when asked to express her thoughts on paper, she often uses lower level vocabulary and fragmented sentences, and lacks organization. This could be due to her inability to focus on longer tasks as well as her difficulty with spelling, written expression, and multiple languages spoken in the home. Larissa also struggles with starting tasks independently, staying on task, and with task completion. She often cannot find her materials when needed such as pencils, paper, assignments, books, etc.

She is originally from El Salvador and moved to the U.S. with her mother, father, older sister, and newborn brother when she was 14 months old. Recently, her mother and father separated. Her mom has since moved the children out of their home and in with family friends. The family friends have three children and two adults living in the home already, so the three bedroom, one bath home is very crowded. Their new home is within walking distance of Rosewood Elementary, where Larissa has recently transferred.

Larissa’s mother, Rita, has a job in which she works long hours and is currently struggling to establish her own line of credit. At home, Larissa’s family speaks both English and Spanish. Rita considers English her primary language; however, Spanish is her first language and she sometimes has difficulty understanding written English despite speaking it well.

At a recent parent-teacher conference with Larissa’s teacher, Mr. Fleming, Rita shared that she obtained an order of protection against her husband after they separated. Because the order of protection extends to the children, she provided Mr. Fleming legal documentation of the order. The day after the conference, Mr. Fleming notified the office and gave them the documentation in the event that Larissa’s father should come to the school. While providing this documentation, office staff and other teachers pressed Mr. Fleming to divulge the details of why the order of protection was issued.

Part 1: Case Study Evaluation

Imagine the student from the case study, Larissa, is new to your school. As the special education teacher who will be working with this student, your job is to provide all of the teachers who will interact with Larissa appropriate background information in order to meet her needs in the educational setting. Using information from the case study, complete the “New Student Template” so it can be shared with Larissa’s other teachers.

Part 2: Reflection

In a 500-750 word reflection, address the following:

Explain how diversity is a part of families, cultures, and schools, and describe how complex human issues can interact with the delivery of special education services. Provide real-world examples to support your ideas.

Describe how understanding the development and differences of each individual student can promote the concepts of human value and dignity and enable teachers to meet the diverse needs of students with exceptionalities. Consider and reference the Christian worldview perspective and the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” in your discussion.

Explain the importance of collaborating with other members of the IEP team and parents/guardians. Include discussion regarding how this collaboration across settings and with many different collaborators promotes the well-being of students with disabilities.

Explain the various types of data and information that are collected about students and how it is used in the development of the student’s IEP.

Discuss how participating in professional development and learning activities can demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and support teachers in growing personally and professionally, so they can better meet the individual needs of students.

Support your responses with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
New Student Template
Student Name: LarissaGrade: 3rdAge: 8
Special Education Testing and History
Larissa was tested in first grade for special education and found to be eligible in the areas of written expression, and executive functioning. This was as a result of a diagnosis conducted by an outside psychologist that found that she had ADHD and dyslexia.
Failure to make expected progress in reading during her first-grade year led to a test by the school psychologist. Which determined that she struggled with rapid naming and phonological awareness.
Areas of Disability (including data used to determine eligibility)
Written expression, reading comprehension, and executive functioning – as a result of a diagnosis conducted by an outside psychologist during her first-grade year.
Phonological awareness, rapid naming, word attack skills, word identification, and single-word spelling – as a result of a test conducted by the school psychologist at the end of her first-grade year.
Effects of Disability on Other Areas of Student’s Life (academic, social, behavior, etc.)
Use of lower-level vocabulary and fragmented sentences when writing.
Lack of organization when writing.
Inability to focus on longer tasks, difficulty starting them, and completing them.
Failure to spot essential reading and writing materials such as pencils, and books when needed.
Difficulty with multiple languages used at home.
Assistive Technology to Support Learning (Recommend one low tech and one high tech assistive technology and explain how it can be used to support learning based upon diagnoses.)
Low Tech: Graphic organizer
A graphic organizer allows a student to dump all the information they need to complete a task in any manner. Later, the technology helps them organize their information in order and categories. This technology can be used to help Larissa become more organized, and, therefore, able to start, stay on, and complete tasks independently.
High Tech: A proofreading program
A proofreading program is a software used in a computer to scan word documents for grammar, spelling, word usage, sentence structure, and punctuation. It is a high-tech application but it helps students who struggle with writing. For Larissa, this program can help her because by typing her written expression, she can identify the errors she is making, and, therefore, learn not to repeat them.
Culture, Language, and Family Background Summary (including discussion of how these factors could influence student learning)
Larissa was born in El Salvador before her family moved to the United States when she was 14 months old. Her mother and father have just separated and her mother has decided to move her and her siblings to their family friends’ home. The home of their family friends has three children and two adults living in it. So, the three bedroomed and one-bath house can get crowded. Fortunately, Larissa’s new school is only a walking distance from home.
At home, the family speaks Spanish and English. Still, Rita, her mother, has difficulties with written English despite speaking the language well. Recently, Rita gave Larissa’s teacher a legal document of the order of protection she has against her husband since it extends to her children. The teacher proceeded to present the document to the office as notice in case Larissa’s father ever came to school.
Given that Larissa now lives in a house with so many people speaking different languages, she could have trouble understanding either of them well. Also, her focus on learning may be affected by frequent distraction from her siblings and family friends.
As her mother also has problems with written English, this could affect Larissa’s writing skills as well. Still, if the family friends are better at written English, they could help Larissa with her writing.
Suggestions for Techniques to Encourage Parental Collaboration and Communication (including discussion of strategies that are ...
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