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Communication Challenges with ELLs Families

Essay Instructions:

Communication with families of ELLs can be challenging but is vital for student success and family engagement. Many families may be unfamiliar with the standard practices of education in this country. Understanding assessment and how assessment data is used can be particularly difficult to discuss depending on the families’ previous experience with assessment in other educational settings.

Create a digital newsletter (word document) for families of ELLs to explain assessment practices. Consider how you communicate the information for non-native English-speaking families. Include the following in your newsletter:

Description of each type of assessment (diagnostic, formative, and summative), including how and when each will be used to support English language instruction

Explanation of alignment of the assessments to ELP and content standards and the use of assessment data to determine student progress in both language and content

Description of testing accommodations for ELLs

Discussion of how the data from assessments will be used to inform instructional decisions and planning, including enrichment and interventions

Identify strategies to communicate timely and meaningful feedback with students and families, including student self-reflection strategies

Support your newsletter with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Communication Challenges with ELLs Families
143865392900500Well-designed assessment practices for English language learners are crucial in providing important information about the students' schooling. It informs about the student's progress in learning, their understanding, and also the challenges faced. Due to differences in families' previous experience in educational backgrounds, it's hard to understand the assessment since communication is problematic. It leads to ineffective communication among the ELL guardians, the school, and the student's instructors. Contrarily to other parents, the ELL guardians need to know their children's progress to ensure students' success and productive family engagement, various assessment strategies and proper ways of communicating with non-native English families are employed. It is challenging for non-native students to blend in, but with well-designed learning and assessment strategies, their success is guaranteed.
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Assessment Practices for English Learners' Language Families
Assessment types used in ELLs
Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments support English language instruction. The summative assessment focuses on the objective test to determine the overall English level of the learners, while instructors use formative assessment tests to gain insights into the student's capabilities and differences in utilizing English in communication and interactions (Qu & Zhang, 2013). In summative assessment, the instructors provide a test or examination to the students at the end of the course or term in order to grade their performance. Additionally, the assessment provides quantitative data for training evaluation to guide adjustments to the learning materials and teaching methods. On the other hand, in formative assessment, the teachers investigate and analyze the students' comprehension abilities as learning continues. It is dialogue-based involving discussions, interviews, quizzes, presentations and drama performances (Qu & Zhang, 2013). Resultantly, teachers obtain continuous feedback on the student's progress in terms of both strengths and weaknesses. In diagnostic assessment, pre-set short answer questions are used at the beginning of a course to evaluate the learner's comprehension of the present and previous topics. This equips the instructors with awareness of the best approach to use in teaching a new topic.
Alignment of Assessment to English language proficiency (ELP) and Content Standards
To have a successful schooling assessment, the ELL must gain English language proficiency and academic comprehension of the content. Additionally, both ELP standards and professional teaching standards are adopted for English as a second language (ESL). Aligned with the content-area standards, they guide instructors in aiding the ELLs achieve English academic proficiency as well as content mastery. The federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 demands the integration of ELLs in assessments u...
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