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Commentary Essay Topic: Criteria Review Essay

Essay Instructions:

Commentary Essay Topic:

Commentary Essay Thesis Statement:

Please write a minimum of 100 words for each of the three questions below, describing the progress you have made in your writing. Make sure you proofread your self-review before submitting.

What changes or improvements did you make to your commentary essay rough draft? Identify specific parts of your paper that you revised. Why did you make these changes to your rough draft? (100 words minimum)

How did a suggested revision from a peer, tutor, or anyone else help strengthen your paper? If you chose not to incorporate feedback into your essay, explain why. If, for some reason, you did not receive feedback from someone else, why is feedback from others a necessary step in the writing process? (100 words minimum)

What progress do you believe you have made as a writer during the course? In what areas do you still need to grow as a writer? Consider the following areas, created by the Council of Writing Program Administrators (2008), as you answer this question: (1) rhetorical knowledge like purpose, tone, and audience, (2) critical thinking, reading, and writing, (3) writing processes like drafting and revising, (4) knowledge of writing conventions like grammar and formatting, and (5) composing writing in electronic environments like the digital classroom or Microsoft Word. (100 words minimum)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Commentary Essay Topic: Criteria Review Essay
Commentary Essay Thesis Statement: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) explains clearly about ADHD and is a helpful website based on authority, accuracy, and currency.
Changes Effected
I must admit that writing is not an easy undertaking. Sometimes it gets downright stressful when one cannot conjure up relevant words or ideas. However, one can make progress of unimaginable proportions with determination and grit. In my commentary essay rough draft, I made several changes in the introductory part. Conventionally, the introduction should always be captivating as it is the gateway to every essay. If an introduction sounds dull and uninteresting, readers might just get discouraged or read through with a dismissive attitude. Bearing that in mind, I included the changes to lend more appeal and attraction to my essay. In addition, I wanted to create an element of suspense in the reader. I also decided to make some changes in the choice of words I had used initially to make the essay more understandable.
For any writer who hopes to make a mark in the writing fraternity, they must be ready and willing to embrace critique. Most writers believe that their works are impeccable and beyond reproof. As such, they tend to frown upon any suggestion that their works need some polishing up. Such attitude is misplaced, and writers of this ilk seldom make any progress. In my case, I always endeavor to get views from my peers, and I incorporate them into my works whenever applicable. In this case, I got a suggestion from a peer to tone down the vocabulary...
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