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Early Childhood Education: Concepts Relating to Development and Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.

Part 1) Discuss the following concepts and provide an example for each as it relates to the development and behavior of children.


Discrete Trial Training

Pivotal Response Training

Positive Behavior Support

Positive Reinforcement






Part 2) In order to acknowledge and understand the diversity of child-rearing beliefs and practices among families, you must first acknowledge and understand your own beliefs and practices about child-rearing. Exploring and analyzing your own history and its effects on your behavior may assist you in creating a better understanding and compassion for the families with which you are entrusted to support. Please review the section on Cultural Models and Child-Rearing Practices (pages 63–66) and write a two-page reflection essay discussing your own child-rearing beliefs and practices and how these beliefs might influence your work with diverse families.

Discuss how these topics do or do not influence you today and how they might have an effect on your work with diverse families. Stay focused on relevant information concerning the implications for your work with young children and their families.

History: family history of ethnic origin, language(s), geography, and immigration

Growing up: where you grew up, pattern of movement or stability, and your family of origin structure

Your current family or living structure

Values of independence or interdependence

Discipline approaches

Attitudes toward disability

Influence of racism

Family structure

Parents’ roles

Caregiver-child communication

Medical practices

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Early Childhood Education- 3
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Early Childhood Education- 3
Part 1
1 Curriculum
These are the rules that should be taught to children. It can be considered a study guide, and children have to learn something according to their standards. An example of how curriculum relates to children's development and behavior is guiding students through learning and learning to regulate their emotions.
2 Discrete Trial Training
These are techniques used to improve children's behavior (Clayton & Headley, 2019). Instructors use reinforcement and punishment to elicit correct behavior. Observe behavior and seek appropriate guidance. For example, if children misbehave, they are punished and warned immediately.
3 Pivotal Response Training
These are changes in behavior analysis. Learning for children lays the foundation for effective communication and self-discipline. Coaches use direct reinforcement methods to improve children's choices. An example is when children are given strict instructions about behavior in class.
4 Positive Behavior Support
It is often difficult to understand a child's behavior and find the best way to change it. Even if a person has particular inappropriate behavior and is difficult to change, this behavior is directed at him. An example of child behavior that needs attention is when a child is rude
5 Positive Reinforcement
It can be called a reinforcing stimulus. It is based on rewarding the child when he gets the expected answer. Positive reinforcement encourages the child to behave accordingly in anticipation of a reward. An example could be rewarding a child with toys for success within a certain period.
6 Antecedent
An antecedent is anything that causes behavior and can contribute to it. Assumptions help us determine what behavior we can expect from students. These are the past behaviors of children (Clayton & Headley, 2019). It is the story of the child's behavior since childhood. Past habits can continue as children develop and re-emerge in the future. For example, a rebellious child at a young age may be undisciplined in the future.
7 Consequence
These are the results of specific actions. Actions are directly proportional to results. Wrong actions lead to negative consequences, while positive actions lead to positive ones. An example could be a child's lack of discipline, which makes him a problem in the classroom.
8 Contingencies
It is considered a prediction of the future based on the child. The child's foundation determines possible future outcomes. However, the future situation cannot be determined. For example, a determined child wants to become a doctor when he grows up.
9 Time-Away
Time away is like a welcome break that teaches students self-control and how to calm and regulate their emotions. Students can not only sit alone but also relax by reading a book or holding a stuffed animal or a stress ball. This technique benefits students' emotional health and helps students develop healthy coping strategies and engage in positive behaviors. For example, if the student is fatigued from the task, the student can sit in a friendly, quiet, peaceful place and read a book or hug him.
10 Punishment
Punishment is anything that tries to reduce the behavior. Punishment can include many things, such as suspension, taking away a beloved toy, or taking away a privilege. No matter how severe, punishment ...
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