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Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

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Assessment Description

IDEA requires that special education students be provided a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Special education teachers are among of the decision makers who identify what is the most appropriate, least restrictive educational environment for each student for whom an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed. It is important that special education teachers be aware of the benefits and restrictions of each type of placement setting and know how to provide an individualized, effective education for students with disabilities.

Part 1: Graphic Organizer

Create a graphic organizer outlining five placement settings inside and outside of the school setting. For each placement setting, describe how that placement can support students with mild to moderate disabilities. Include the possible benefits and drawbacks of each placement setting as well.

Part 2: Essay

Write a 1,000-1,250 word essay regarding the FAPE requirement of IDEA. Based on FAPE, discuss how the LRE should be appropriate in meeting student needs and following legislative guidelines. In addition, discuss the factors that should be used to determine the appropriate placement in the LRE for students with disabilities to ensure they receive a free and appropriate public education. Discuss how a student might move through a continuum of placements (e.g., inclusion, resource, self-contained) to best meet his or her needs and level of support.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
Students whose requirements cannot be satisfied in mainstream education may need specialized care. In a Resource Room, students perform grade-level work in specified subjects. In the School Setting, a special instruction teacher works with a small group of pupils to support growth. Services related may be given in the Resource Space or a separate room. Varying children need diverse lengths of hours in the Computer Laboratory. The IEP determines what proportion of a student's educational days should be spent in the school setting and what amount in National Education.-581025343535General education settingA pupil in the school setting, sometimes called inclusion class or mainstream placement, is enrolled in a regular classroom with students of the same grade. The student should be able to access the general curriculum with the help of adjustments and modifications developed via collaborative efforts between the ordinary and unique instruction teachers. The IEP can specify whether the mainstream or special education teacher will teach the student or if they will work with a technician while in the regular classroom.00General education settingA pupil in the school setting, sometimes called inclusion class or mainstream placement, is enrolled in a regular classroom with students of the same grade. The student should be able to access the general curriculum with the help of adjustments and modifications developed via collaborative efforts between the ordinary and unique instruction teachers. The IEP can specify whether the mainstream or special education teacher will teach the student or if they will work with a technician while in the regular classroom.Least Restrictive Environment39535103356610Out-of-district placementAn out-of-district academic placement is one in which a student attends a school outside of their regular attendance zone because of the student's unique circumstances, such as a handicap, a learning disability, emotional or behavioral difficulties, or a combination of these. When a placement best serves a child outside their home district, they can take advantage of specialized educational content grounded in routine and stability. Much like in a self-contained educational setting, generalization needs to be carefully examined, and the school may have little to no interaction with the general populace.00Out-of-district placementAn out-of-district academic placement is one in which a student attends a school outside of their regular attendance zone because of the student's unique circumstances, such as a handicap, a learning disability, emotional or behavioral difficulties, or a combination of these. When a placement best serves a child outside their home district, they can take advantage of specialized educational content grounded in routine and stability. Much like in a self-contained educational setting, generalization needs to be carefully examined, and the school may have little to no interaction with the general populace.-5689603446145Self-contained PlacementStudents are isolated from general education for all academic areas to study in a self-contained classroom with a special instruction teacher and paraprofessionals. Self-contained classes teach students at different academic levels using research-based teaching practices and resources. Some children continue to access the national curriculum in school settings like cafeteria, recess, and special courses like art, music, and library. However, others are 100% identity, meaning they are never or seldom integrated into general education. Some self-contained arrangements require students to attend a nearby school.00Self-contained PlacementStudents are isolated from general education for all academic areas to study in a self-contained classroom with a special instruction teacher and paraprofessionals. Self-contained classes teach students at different academic levels using research-based teaching practices and resources. Some children continue to access the national curriculum in school settings like cafeteria, recess, and special courses like art, music, and library. However, others are 100% identity, meaning they are never or seldom integrated into general education. Some self-contained arrangements require students to attend a nearby school.
232432841782The 5 Placement Settings00The 5 Placement Settings
616449225639Evaluation and EligibilityA non-disabled student may benefit from the special instruction and related services offered to a child with a disability while that student is educated in the regular education classroom. Suppose a student with a disability receives special schooling, related services, and complementary aids and services in a regular classroom or other educational settings following the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). In that case, the school system may use Part B funds to cover the cost of providing those services, even if one or more non-disabled students also benefit. It eliminates a significant barrier to including special-needs children in mainstream classrooms.00Evaluation and EligibilityA non-disabled student may benefit from the special instruction and related services offered to a child with a disability while that student is educated in the regular education classroom. Suppose a student with a disability receives special schooling, related services, and complementary aids ...
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