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A Timeline of The History of Special Education

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The inclusion of individuals with disabilities, both in schools and in the community, has changed significantly over the last 100 years. This has been influenced by a variety of events, court cases, and laws. It is important for special education teachers to be aware of what has instigated these changes. In addition, special education teachers need to be knowledgeable of the laws that are related to special education and how they will affect service delivery to special education students.

Part 1: Timeline

Create a timeline of the history of special education from the late 1800s to the current year. Include 10-12 major events, laws, and court cases that, in your opinion, have influenced special education. Provide a 25-50 word description of each factor in the timeline and a rationale for your selection.

Part 2: Summary

In 250-500 words summarize the changes in special education portrayed in the timeline. Emphasize the two key special education laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Discuss how each has influenced the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the educational setting.

In addition, reflect upon how knowledge of special education history will affect ethical decisions in your future professional practice.

Cite the CEC Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards for Special Educators to support your stance.

Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources. You may include this topic’s resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Timeline of The History of Special Education
Part 1: Timeline
1817: American School for the Deaf: The first school for disabled schools in the Western Hemisphere founded in Hartford. The school was meant to cater to the learning needs of deaf students.
1840: Law Mandating Compulsory Education: Rhode passed a law that makes education compulsory for all learners. The law requires mandated all learners, including those with disabilities to receive education, while at the same time requiring governments to offer education tie all learners. I selected it because it forms the basis for special education in the US
1864: Columbia Institution: The US Congress permits the Columbian Institution to offer degrees for deaf, dumb, and blind learners. It became the first college in the US to provide degrees for learners with special needs. I chose this because Congress recognized the importance of students with disabilities to receive an education like others.
1870: Association Instructors for the Blind: The association was established to ensure that learning institutions provided comprehensive educational programs to deaf and blind students. I selected this event because of its importance in acknowledging the need to ensure that schools provided high-quality education to students with disabilities.
1919: Beattie v. Board of Education: The Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds a ruling that schools could expel learners because of disabilities. Learners with special needs were seen as causing disruptions to the learning environment. I selected this court case because it demonstrated the challenges that learners with disabilities have faced in the past
1954: Brown v. Board of Education: The Supreme Court held that learners with disabilities could not be denied the right to education because of race. The ruling became a reference point for parents of children with disabilities to argue against the exclusion of children with disabilities from public schools. I selected the court case because of the importance of ensuring that public schools could not discriminate against learners, including those with disabilities.
1975: Education for All Handicapped Children Act: The Act provided that learners with disabilities had the right to be educated in public schools. I chose the act because of its emphasis on the need for public schools to cater to the needs of diverse learners.
1986: Handicapped Children’s Protection Act: The Act allowed parents of children with disabilities to have more say in the development of individual education plans. I selected the act because it demonstrates the need to ensure stakeholder participation in special education, especially among parents of children with disabilities.
1990: Americas Disability Act (ADA): The Act provides that individuals with disabilities have the same rights as every other person. I selected this law because it ensured an even playing ground for learners with disabilities.
2002: No Child Left Behind Act: The law provided the need to ensure that learners were proficient in math and reading by 2014. I selected the law because it accelerated the need for schools to ensure that even learners with disabilities became proficient in math and reading.
Part 2: Summary
The history of special education in the US has evolved over the years. The establishment of the first special education school in 1817 was critical in setting the stage for the advancement of learners with ...
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