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Communicating High Expectations: Attributes of a Successful Teacher

Essay Instructions:

Discussions on Communicating High Expectations

How can you demonstrate valuation and respect for reluctant learners?
How can you engage reluctant learners in lessons?
Why is communicating high expectations with reluctant learners important in teaching?

Discussions on Making System Changes

Why is using innovative teaching strategies scored higher on the teacher development scale for ensuring teacher development?
How can teachers benefit from observing other teachers in their instruction?
Why is it important to move toward a competency-based system for effective teaching?

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Teaching Skills
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Date of Submission
Attributes of a successful teacher include excellent communication skills, cooperation, adaptation, empathy, and patience. Importantly, excellent teaching involves engaging classroom presence, exchanging best practices, and a lifetime love of learning. This paper discusses the importance of communicating with high expectations to learners, especially reluctant students. Noteworthy, the paper discusses the necessary changes that instructors should make for effective teaching.
Communicating High Expectations
Demonstration of Value and Respect for Reluctant Learners
Teachers should communicate respectfully to reluctant students what they are supposed to do during a particular task and give a positive remark about their capacity to perform at that level. This aids them in seeing their value and having faith in their abilities (Howard et al., 2021). Furthermore, instructors prove how they value and respect reluctant students by using verbal cues: playful discourse and not permitting negative comments about them.
How to Engage Reluctant Learners in Lessons
A teacher should find out what the reluctant student is majorly interested in. If the student’s interest is positive, the teacher supports the student to bring out their interest. On the other hand, if the interest is adverse, the teacher engages the student with respect and shows them the benefit of leaving their interest and concentrating on something more substantial.
Importance of Communicating With High Expectation to Reluctant Students
When instructors communicate with high expectations to reluctant students and provide engaging and exciting assignments, reluctant students gain self-esteem, confidence and enhance their academic performance (Howard et al., 2021). Additionally, effective and regular communication of high expectations aids the development of a healthy self-concept among reluctant learners. It also provides a framework for intrinsic motivation and creates an atmosphere where a reluctant learner can succeed.
Making System Changes
Importance of Using Innovative Teaching Strategies
Innovative teaching strategies contribute a lot to teachers’ development...
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