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Clinical Field Experience B: Student Assessment: Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

For this clinical field experience, ask your mentor teacher to work with a small group of students.

Part 1: Student interview

Interview students, asking the following questions:

How do you feel about quizzes (formative assessments) and tests (summative assessments)?

How do you prepare yourself for assessments?

Provide an example of an assessment that you enjoyed. Such as a unit project, presentation, etc. What did you like about it?

Have you ever played a game in a class that was used as an assessment? What was the game? Explain.

Do you like assessments that are more interactive, such as games or do you prefer more traditional paper assessments? Explain.

Use any remaining time to support the teacher and students in the classroom.

Part 2: Reflection

Reflect on the student interviews and your time in the classroom using the following questions:

What is your overall impression of how students feel about assessments?

How can you take what you learned during these student interviews into your future classroom?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Clinical Field Experience B: Student Assessment
Students’ Name:
University Affiliation:
Date of Submission:
Part 1: Student interview
How do you feel about quizzes (formative assessments) and tests (summative assessments)?
Formative assessments are more students centered and engaging. They provide immediate feedback to professors to facilitate increased rigor and enhance learners’ motivation (PowerSchool 2016). I think summative assessments do not engage students in the practical application of theoretical knowledge and understanding but instead encourages memorization.
How do you prepare yourself for assessments?
It is crucial to be prepared for clinical skills assessments to avoid retakes. During preparation, individuals should understand what the assessment involves, get ample time practicing different scenarios, obtain feedback, and practice professionalism. They should also time themselves and ensure they observe the GPs.
Provide an example of an assessment that you enjoyed. Such as a unit project, presentation, etc. What did you like about it?
During our 6th grade, Ms. Mercy assigned each group a long-term project investigating the local watershed. Apart from the usual class discussions, we visited the local industries and noted the familiar pollution sources. After data collection and analysis, we presented our find...
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