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Annual Student Accommodations Review Summary Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

The reality of teaching is that every new semester brings new challenges and rewards. Individualized Education Plans and 504 plans are part of most classroom environments and can pose challenges to instructional and assessment planning. Understanding your students will help you to better meet their needs.

At least annually, you will meet with the IEP team or support staff and parents to review these plans and share student progress. To prepare for these meetings, teachers often write a brief description of strategies, resources, and accommodations used in the classroom to support the student’s learning goals in order to improve achievement.

Examine the assessment data in the "Class Roster" and write a 100-150 word description for each student including strategies, possible resources, and accommodations to help improve student achievement. In addition, include a 100-150 word summary describing how you would interpret the assessment data for these students to inform and improve instruction.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Accommodations Review
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
Annual Student Accommodations Review Summary
Clarissa Jones: The student will be assigned with peer buddies, a guidance counselor, and an administrator to offer help. The school psychologist will also be chipping in to provide additional support she might need. Teaching will involve the use of hands-on and interactive materials, and the teacher will be close to her desk to ensure she grasps knowledge. Classwork will involve frequent appraisals, and the student will be issued with manageable assignments. For her to feel a sense of control, there will be brain breaks of 15 to 20 minutes. A sense of control is critical, as she will feel respected, thereby turning up to classwork and assessments on time (Wise, 2016).
Grayson Jones: It's recommended for the student to undergo a diagnosis of reading which covers speed, and accuracy when reading. The teacher will spend an average of 30 minutes every day for a couple of weeks taking the learner through reading words, oral language, and fluency tests. The student will be provided with decoding learning tools to be able to learn new words using letter-sound knowledge. He will be taken through weekly sessions of counseling to help minimize the effects of self-esteem. The student will also be given extra time during exams so that he’s able to attempt all the questions. The teacher will be doing continuous monitoring from time to time to access the progress of the student in coping with the support provided (Dyslexia: Symptoms, treatment, and types, 2020).
William Hughes: Teachers will be patient with him during the handwriting lessons and encourage good paper posture, grip, and positioning. The educator will also allow the use of word processors in class. The student won’t be criticized for shoddy and sloppy work done rather; he will be motivated to continue doing better. Mostly, he will be provided with oral exams so that he manages his time well during assessments. Oral exams will make him apprehend questio...
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