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Social and personality development in infancy and early childhood

Essay Instructions:

Please answer three questions;

Notes: This course is all about human development and early childhood education. This course is opened for future educators, so the answer should be written from educator's perspectives.

First question:

Using the research shared in the textbook, do you believe that parents who are having difficulty in their relationship should stay married (as opposed to separation or divorce) for the sake of their children? Why or why not? Are there conditions under which co-habitation or staying together is more preferable than separation? What do you think are the implications of parents' decision to stay together "for the sake of the children" versus those who amicably separate?

*I uploaded the screenshot of textbook content that related to this question. Please make a CLOSE CONNECTION to the content that I uploaded.

The citation for the textbook:

Lifespan Development, 7th Canadian Edition by Boyd, D., Johnson, P., & Bee, H. (2020), REVEL Version (electronic)

No additional resources is needed.

Second question
How do you think sexual education curricula can or should tackle gender identity and sexual identity development in the context of a changing landscape (academic, social, and political) around biological sex, gender, and their relation to one another?

Maximum one additional resources can be used.

Third quest:
Insecure attachment between children and caregivers(Parents) can be found to be perpetuated from generation to generation. Why might this be? What could be done to break this cycle? What kind of external interventions might be required?

No additional resources is needed.

All of above questions requires not only make connection to the textbook screenshots that I uploaded, but also respond question more thoughts beyond the textbook content, such as personal thoughts, or paraphrase from additional resources.

Thank you and stay safe, let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social and Personality Development in Infancy and Early Childhood
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Social and Personality Development in Infancy and Early Childhood
Parents who are having relationship difficulties should opt for separation or divorce for the sake of their children. In most marriages and courtships where they face relationship difficulties, they are associated with pain, anger, and frustrations. From previous and ongoing research, Parenting experts have discovered a significant risk to parents with relationship difficulties staying with their children because they end up learning lousy parenting skills that they pass to the next generation. Also, the parents cannot give their children essential care because most of their time is spent dealing with their issues.
There are conditions under which co-habitation is preferable than separation. Children brought up in an environment where they are not exposed to family conflict grow up with better parenting skills, ensuring a future society where people learn to stay together as a family. Divorce can be challenging when the parents are not willing to work together to raise their children. These children lack proper parental care, and they grow up lacking parenting skills.
Sex education in the school curriculum is vital for the case of gender identity. Education enables students to learn how they view themselves as female, male, intersex, or transgender. The knowledge helps them learn to identify their gender, thus embracing who they are without fear of intimidation. Sexual identity is essential in the school curriculum to help students know how to express themselves sexu...
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