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SPEA V252/H267. Career development and planning. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

SPEA V252/H267: Career Development and Planning

Informational Interview Assignment - Upload a Word Document to Canvas

Part 1: Career Research

Conduct career research to help you explore career or employment options. Choose Track 1 or Track 2 based on what suits your current career research needs.

Track 1: Career Exploration

Select two career fields of interest to research. Use at least three resources to research the fields. (Consider using the IUB Career Resource Library: http://cdc(dot)indiana(dot)edu/help/library.html 。, the Career Development Center Career Guides: http://cdc(dot)indiana(dot)edu/possibilities/index.html, and the IUB Libraries Career Resources.) Answer the following questions about each field.

What are some of the daily tasks and responsibilities?

What education and training is necessary for this career?

What is the outlook for this career field? Are there certain places where the career is more prevalent?

What is something that excited you about this career as you researched?

What are three questions you would like to ask someone who works in this field?

Based on your research, are you more or less interested in this career? Why?

Track 2: Job Search

Select two organizations to research. Use at least three resources to research the organizations. (Consider using the organization website, LinkedIn company page, LinkedIn profiles of current employees, Google News, Mergent Intellect () Answer the following questions about each organization. Answer the following questions about each organization.

What did you learn about the organization’s mission, vision, products and/or services?

What did you learn about the company’s culture and values?

What has this company been in the news for recently? If nothing, what do they market about itself on its LinkedIn page?

What are 1-2 entry level job titles this position hires (look at organization employees on LInkedIn or at job vacancies)? What skills/strengths/responsibilities/requirements do the job titles require?

What are three questions you would like to ask someone who works for this organization?

Based on your research, are you more or less interested in this organization? Why?

Part 2: Conduct an Informational Interview

Conduct an in-person, phone, or virtual (Zoom/Skype/FaceTime) interview with a professional in a field of interest. This person should not be a relative. The interview should last approximately 20 minutes and include 5-8 questions you have about the career field, company, or person’s career path. The interview MAY NOT be conducted by email or text. Sample questions are provided below, and you are encouraged to create questions that will help you learn about the career field/company and determine if it is the right fit for you.

Contact information

My professional’s name is

His/her title is

He/she works for

He/she was referred by

Email and phone number

Method interview was conducted2. Interview Summary3. Reflect

Type a 2-3 page summary (single spaced) of your meeting in question/answer format. (5-8 questions – from the list on Canvas or developed on your own)

Explain whether you are still considering this career or a similar one and how this experience helped you in your process of exploring careers and majors.

From this interview, what skills have you identified that you need to gain or improve on to be successful in this field?

Describe any challenges you faced and strategies you used when approaching an unknown professional.

Thank you note (10 points)

Include a copy of the thank you note or email you have sent to your professional after your interview.

LIST OF POSSIBLE QUESTIONS, DIVIDED INTO CATEGORIES: A. Occupational Environment ▪ How would you describe the environment in which you work? ▪ How does your position relate to the mission of the organization? ▪ Describe a typical day at work (e.g., your routine or duties you perform on a regular basis). ▪ How much flexibility are you allowed on your job in terms of dress, hours, vacation, etc.? ▪ Are you made aware of supervisory expectations? Do these expectations seem realistic to you? Are you allowed any input in determining your goals? ▪ How independent can you be on this job? ▪ What portion of your job involves interacting with others such as co-workers or the public? ▪ How much “outside” or overtime work is required on your job (e.g., weekends, nights, etc.)? What does this work involve? How often does this occur? B. Occupational Requirements and Experience ▪ What college courses were most helpful to you in your preparation for this career? ▪ What types of computer skills or programs are necessary to perform your job? ▪ Is special certification, licensing, or an advanced degree necessary to perform your job? ▪ What personal qualities and skills do you see as important for success in this occupation? ▪ Is travel involved in your job? If so, how much and what type? ▪ How much job relocation is expected or needed to advance in this career? ▪ When you’re hiring someone for your team, what do you look for? What skills and experience do you consider most valuable? ▪ I have often been told that my core strengths as a professional are on projects that involve _____ skills. If that is the case, what roles do you think I’d be best suited for in your filed?

Benefits and Frustrations ▪ What are the major rewards of your job? What is your favorite part of your job? ▪ What are the major frustrations you encounter on your job? How do you deal with these frustrations? ▪ What fringe benefits are offered on your job? Are you offered professional development opportunities such as advanced training or seminars? ▪ What is the salary range for entry-level positions in this occupation? What do the salary trends look like for the future? Do you think job opportunities are increasing or decreasing in this field? D. Networking/ “Getting Your Foot in the Door” ▪ Based on my research, it seems like most professionals start off as a [position] – is this consistent with what you’ve seen? ▪ Do you know of any professional associations that I would benefit from joining at this stage of my education? ▪ Is there anyone in the Bloomington area that would be a good contact for internships or job opportunities? ▪ Can you offer any advice/suggestions for how best to break into/prepare myself for this career field? ▪ Do you know of organizations in this field that offer job shadowing or mentoring opportunities?

How to Conduct an Informational Interview

Find someone with whom to start the networking process. Ask your parents, guardians, roommates, professors, advisors, peer groups if they know of anyone working in your career field of interest. You can also use the SPEA Alumni Contacts (now moved to LinkedIn) Search tab to search for alumni that you might contact. You may not interview a close relative (mother, father, sister, brother). This assignment is to help you learn how to contact and interact with people you do not know, so interviews with a close relative or friend will not be accepted.

Contact that person by phone or email- Explain your reason for calling and your SPEA affiliation Examples: Hello. This is from Indiana University. I spoke with (person who referred you) about careers in and he/she spoke very highly of you. I’m calling to find out if you might have a few minutes to speak with me. When would be a convenient time to contact you? OR… Dear Ms. Jones: My name is from Indiana University and I am doing some research for a career development class. I’m doing some research in the area of and I was hoping you would have 30-40 minutes to speak with me sometime. If you are available to talk with me about your career, please let me know what day and time would be best for you in the next week or two for either a phone conversation or to meet in person. (or whatever you are able to arrange). Thank you very much and I looking forward to talking with you. Sincerely, Jane Spea

Make a specific appointment, for a specific length of time. My appointment is at o’clock. I will be conducting this meeting in person over the phone (check one)

If interviewing in person, dress professionally (see Mock Interview guidelines) and be sure you know where you are going, how to get there, and where to park, if necessary.

Adapted from Sukiennik, Diane; William Bendat, L. Raufman.The Career Fitness Program: Exercising Your Options (Sixth Edition) p. 197.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

[Your Name]
SPEA V252/H267
27th September 2018
Track 1: Career Exploration
Career Development and Planning
What are some of the daily tasks and responsibilities?
The daily tasks and responsibilities of a sociologist vary depending on the specific specialty. Some of the common tasks include designing research projects for purposes of testing social theories. In the design and implementation of these projects, they write project proposals and make presentations to prospective project funding agencies (Careers in Sociology, 2013). Also, sociologists conduct surveys for purposes of collecting and collating research data. They also use research tools such as surveys, observations, and interviews.
They also analyze research data and draw conclusions based on the collected data and also prepare reports, write and publish articles and prepare presentations that describe their study findings. Also, sociologists also collaborate and participate in interprofessional activities involving social scientists. They also consult with and counsel clients, policymakers, and other groups with regards to the study findings and other sociological issues (Careers in Sociology, 2013). They study human behavior, activities, interaction and also evaluate the effect of social influences on general populations, groups, and individuals.
On the other hand, psychologists specialize in studying human cognitive, emotional and sociological processes as well as population behavior through observation and interpretation of research findings on how people relate to each other and the environment. The daily tasks and responsibilities of a psychologist include conducting scientific studies on human behavior as well as brain functioning. (Schreiber, 2014). Just like sociologists, they also collect data using scientific methods such as observations, interviews, surveys, and other methods. Besides, they also test behavioral patterns in an attempt to predict and understand human behavior. Finally, they conduct studies with the view of identifying behavioral patterns and also utilize their knowledge for studying individual and group behaviors (Schreiber, 2014).
What education and training are necessary for this career?
A career in sociology demands masters or a doctoral degree, even though bachelors’ degree holders can get employed in other related careers that encompass social services, education, and public policy. One can opt for traditional programs, applied, clinical or better still settle for professional programs for professional workplace induction (Careers in Sociology, 2013). Doctoral holders in sociology can either work as research sociologists working for public or non-profit organizations. Professional training courses in statistics and research methods are critical toward the improvement of report writing skills (Careers in Sociology, 2013). Similarly, a career in psychology requires a doctoral degree and specifically for those pursuing a clinical or counseling psychology career.
There are two doctoral qualifications that one can undertake. The first one is Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology while the second one is Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D). The doctor of philosophy degree is normally meant for researchers whereas the doctor of psychology qualification is meant for clinical practice. However, school psychologists only need a specialist advanced degree and certification whereas master’s holders can work as industrial or organizational psychologists. Graduates can also work as psychological assistants in a clinical setup under the supervision of Ph.D. holder.
Psychology also demands licensing, certification as well as registration with the American Board of Professional Psychology. Still, the use of the title Psychologist demands th...
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