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Research And Describe Benefits Of Learning A Second Language

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Benefits of learning a second language
Throughout much of human existence, civilization of human beings develops rapidly. Human beings’ creativities carry great significances for establishing the link between people who come from any race, any culture and any creed, development of civilization and forming of modern societies. In the 0.3 million years ago, the language originally came out, human beings created it, which as a milestone in the history of human being. Language is the most significant tool of communication for people; it is the main way to communicate and talk with the others.
Language is a kind of momentous symbol for the civilization, human being use language to preserve, protect and delivery the achievement of their own civilization in different parts of civilization. In general, every culture or every nation has their own language, in this way, language plays a grand role in the daily life. People communicate with each other to share idea, to process business transactions, to educate; in addition, language penetrates every layer of the society, it has the impact and the effect on politic, economy, technology, education, and culture.
Through the wonders of language, the world gets to develop, and it is more connected than ever before. Thus, speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. More and more people realized this tendency, and start to learn a second language. There is a natural tendency in the world today that the rich linguistic environment for people is not just native language which is the mother tongue but two or more other languages. Actually, in the modern society, the majority of the population of the world is bilingual or multilingual. When the people learn a foreign language, during this process, they will that they not only just get the language skill, it also helps them to unlock the other abilities. Mastering a second language will carry a lot of advantages and significances for a person whatever he at any age.
Children and Teenagers
Any person below the age of 18 is considered a child because they are dependent on their parents and are unable to make decisions without the intervention of an adult. There is a natural tendency to assume that childhood is an absolutely vital period of time to obtain the knowledge, grasp the abilities and formation of personality and character. This is perceived to be true because children have fewer responsibilities and have a lot of time to commit into learning a new language.It is a well-established fact that learning the language for a child is much easier and better fluency.
The heard of the child could be referred as “sponges,” which means the mentality and intelligence of children are developmentally ready for absorbing knowledge and learning a second language. They do not have any habit or even mistakes in learning a second language, it also can help them use the language fluently, fairly easily and without accent that is influenced by the native language ("Top 5 Reasons Your Child Will Benefit from Learning a Foreign Language," 2014). Childhood, which is a special and significant period time of human beings, because, at this time, the brain is in the status of developmentally forming and absorbing the knowledge and abilities. It is the pivotal timing to establish intelligence and mental competences. Learning a second language is beneficial for children’ s brains, bilingual experience would enhance the heard’ s so-called executive function which is the system for commanding abilities such as planning, solving difficulties and varieties of mentally directing mission(Valoes, 2014). Bilingual children will develop more rapidly and more flexible than monolingual children. When the children speak two or more languages, they must need to shift between those languages in vocabulary, grammar, and expression. During those time, the brain gets to exercisefrequently; it can make the brain better at shifting from one task to another or even do several tasks at the same time. In addition, for the children, learning a second language can help them build the ability to confront and deal with the unknown. When the children communicate with the others in a second language, the conversation will certainly contain unknown words and unfamiliar grammar or expression. Speakers need to overcome this condition to proceed the talking; it would not be the successful conversation if speakers always stop to look up the dictionary(Thompson, 2016). During those practice, children study tolerance of ambiguity. Children study a second language, which is having better capacity to master a second language, making brain more flexible and studying the tolerance of ambiguity.
As compared to adults and the old age, teenagers and children learn new languages faster. Children who start learning new foreign languages as early as three years old are able to speak the language fluently without any influence of their accent. The level of fluency diminishes as a child grows older. Between 8 to 12 years old, a child loses the ability to reproduce new sounds and hear than when they were young. The effect makes it difficult to them to learn foreign language. Therefore, it is appropriate that students should start learning foreign languages at when they are still young. Learning second language at early ages helps in developing an individual’s memory. Improved brain development will increase children critical thinking skills and innovation skills, enable them to multitask, and improve their overall performance including problem solving techniques. Children with better qualities contribute to the society through increasing economic development and promoting the culture and beliefs of the community. Apart from contributing to the society, such children will have an advantage in schools. Children with well developed brain will find it easy in grasping new ideas that are taught in schools. Hence, they will perform better than those who did not get a chance to learn foreign languages at early stages.
Another benefit of learning new language at early age is that children will be able to learn several languages as compared to adults. Children have a lot of time to interact with their peers. Hence, they will be able to learn different languages in a short time which is not possible to adults. Adults face the challenge of inadequate exposure in learning a second language. Unlike children who interact with their peers from different beliefs and in the process they are able to learn a new language, adults target a given practice to acquire the vocabularies. However, the practice is beneficial to adults since they will be able to perfect their language because they will only concentrate in one language at a time unlike children who gets an opportunity to learn various languages at the same time.
Finally, children who learn new languages have high perception of their environment. They will be able to understand why various cultures exist while they are still young. Therefore, they will grow up appreciating the importance of cultural variation. Such children will be able to interact and relate with other people peacefully that will reduce the rate of discrimination including cultural discrimination. A reduction in the rate of discrimination improves peace among various nations globally. Therefore, children should be encouraged to learn foreign languages.
It is always perceived that it is nearly impossible for an adult to learn something new faster and easier due to their busy schedules. But this is just a misconception. Once adults put more effort in their quest to learn a second language, the level of achievement and benefits obtained will still be equal to the younger leaner. Adulthood normally comes with lots of responsibilities. You will find that learning a foreign language as an adult seems more of a requirement compared to when one could have learned as a toddler. It is mostly done to upgrade one skill or for work-related purposes. Being a bilingual as an adult have several benefits which can range from emotional to cognitive (Thompson, 2016).
One of the many benefits is that it encourages cultural diversity. It is everyone’s desire or expectation to travel t...
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