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Differing Cultural Perspectives Of Socialization, Guidance And Discipline

Essay Instructions:

Write a 6-7 page paper on the differing cultural perspectives of socialization, guidance and discipline. At least 3 scholarly references in addition to many textbook references expected.








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Differing cultural perspectives of socialization, guidance and discipline
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Children orientation is quite different compared to orientation a few years back, today children are taught to fit in the society and not to stand out as was the case a few years back. Their unique qualities are suppose to enable them fit in the society rather than stand out. Children today are oriented towards accepting their differences, parents are teaching them to accept their challenges as strength and not weaknesses as was the case previously. It is very natural that children grow up being selfish and tend to hold onto the possessions of what they own because this is the upbringing they have been exposed to by their parents (Gonzalez-Mena, 2008).
There are children that detest being in the spotlight and want to remain indoors and if called upon to perform something they tend to shy away. This happens because their orientation has been guided in that particular that their contribution should not stand out or different from the rest, they must conform to group mentality. Different cultural differences among communities could be one of the reasons as to why this disparity in orientation occurs in children. .The socialization process can be lengthy and requires a lot patience because children have different capabilities. Parents tend to set goals for their children depending on the background they had experienced themselves (Gonzalez-Mena, 2008).
There are two distinct socialization orientation that affect children as they grow. Different parental orientation affects children during the process of orientation for instance, there is group orientation where children tend to fit in a group while individual orientation tend to stand out from the group. Children are taught about ownership and private possessions in an individual orientation where they are taught phrases like mine and I while on group orientation, children are taught to share what they have and private ownership is downplayed. These orientations in turn affect the socialization that children will have in the long run. The development of skills that help others is emphasized in the group orientation, but on the individual orientation, there is more emphasis on the development of skills that help individuals. In the two social orientations, disagreements may arise. In the case of the individual oriented system and the group oriented system because each has a unique belief system and always believed that it is superior than the rest therefore changing this notion may pose a challenge. The truth of the matter is no system is inferior to the other, they both serve the society.
Socialization process in children is also a factor of their parental background because of past experiences they tend to react in a specific fashion. There is an interplay between culture and background, for instance for an African-American parent they tend to be over protective over their children especially on racism because they have experienced racism themselves and would not wish the same to happen to their children (Allen,(2013).When the discriminatory practices tend to threaten their children lives in terms of health and safety they are very keen to protect them by all means possible. The parents of the African-American origin tend to teach their children about the methods of socialization that protect them from exploitation and humiliation. Due to the effects of discrimination the socialization process of the people who have experienced this vice tend to see everything as a win, even in their jobs because this is how they have been oriented. They tend to adopt a committing strategy where they always want to be and feel superior to their peers, perhaps because of the discrimination they have experienced in the past.
According to Calzada, et.al (2017), socialization may be affected by the cultural backgrounds. However, not all cultures are individualistic, there are cultures that teach children to behave for the common good of the humanity. For instance there are cultures that teach children to view life as something bigger than themselves. They are taught to belong to a group, a family and copy their value system so as to be appreciated in the society.
As elucidated by Froese and Eng (2016), language has also been an area of conflict in many socialization disciplines because the same argument of superiority crops up. Language is a critical part of socialization and it can never be ignored because it is through speaking that children learn and grow. If language is not there, then children may lose their identity and even socialization process may stall. In some societies language is a measure of intelligence in children, therefore underlining how important it is for the parents, fluent children are considered bright. This is a great misconception because language cannot be a measure of intelligence. Another challenge in the socialization process in children has been possessions, where children are oriented to treat everything as a private property. Language is supposed to be distinctive and unique to a people to appreciate their different cultures but it has been a source of conflict with one society trying to proof superior to the rest. This orientation when carried on to the children is a dangerous trend that might be difficult to cure in the future.
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