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Assignement 13
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Assignment: Week 13
Length: One page
APA style: Include in-text citations and a reference list that includes the course text and any additional references.
Activity 1: The following assignment is based on Chapter 21 of Salvia et al., 2017.
1. After reading Chapter 21 (Salvia et al., 2017), identify and briefly explain (a) how the need for special education is established, (b) the responsibilities of multidisciplinary teams, and (c) the issues that impact eligibility decisions.
2. Review the Family Guide for Special Education Services for School-Age Children (See attached reading).
o Discuss the assessment process (types of assessments and evaluations implemented; timelines).
Summarize the discussion on parents’ rights
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Assignment 13
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Assignment 13
Establishment for Special Education, Responsibilities of Multidisciplinary Teams, and the Issues that Impact Eligibility Decisions
The eligibility for special education depends on whether a child has a disability and whether they require services for special education. Irrespective of having any disability, a student must experience a need for academic success to qualify for special education (Salvia et al., 2017). Therefore, special education is needed when one of these conditions aligns with the student's situation, if the student fails to respond to implemented interventions, and if successful interventions are too extensive or intensive for use in a regular education classroom. The evaluation to determine if a student has a disability is carried out by a multidisciplinary team (MDT). The team is responsible for gathering information and drawing upon various sources while making decisions about eligibility. The team must also ensure that the sources are documented and that information obtained from them is considered.
Some issues impact the eligibility decisions for special education services. One issue is the widespread belief that special education services are for students who could benefit from them (Salvia et al., 2017). Students must meet the criteria for a specific disability and need special services; hence, the belief is mistaken. The other issue is that imprecise definitions appear in federal and state regulations. The unspecific definitions create a situation where a student is eligible in one state rather than another. Disabilities being treated as discrete categories is anoth...
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