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Analyzing a Model of Inquiry

Essay Instructions:

Understanding models of inquiry is key for the scholar-practitioner. A model of inquiry serves to explain how to determine genuine knowledge regarding your topic of investigation. From the perspective of a scholar-practitioner, identify and analyze one model of inquiry appropriate to your area of research interest. Research, using the Library database, to create an evaluation framework which can be utilized throughout the program.

Establish 10-12 criteria.

Create a format (e.g., table, checklist, Likert scale, ranking).

Determine how you want to draw conclusions regarding the quality of information.

Using your established framework for evaluation, select one article to be utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of your approach. Submit your framework and article with an assessment containing at least 10 criteria regarding the effectiveness of your framework and how it functioned.

Additional consideration: You can use any model of inquiry that fits best for you. When creating the format, you can approach it as if you are creating a rubric or Likert scale. The format should be a resource to help you evaluate the research and articles you find for your dissertation or capstone. You can combine and tailor the model of inquiry with your own methods to develop a useful tool. For example, you may consider the following criteria:

Is the information credible?

Can the data be confirmed?

Is the study reliable?

Was the study published within the past 5 years? If not, can I use this source for historical value?

Use this model of inquiry and format to evaluate an article that relates to your proposed topic. How does it score? Why did it score that way?

Compose a 4- to 5-page paper in which you identify your established criteria, the theoretical framework to be used, and an overview of your assessment. Include your article as your reference. After your reference page, include your assessment containing 10 criteria as an appendix.

Topic to be considered for research: drug abuse among teenagers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Understanding Models of Inquiry
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Understanding Models of Inquiry
From the perspective of a scholar-practitioner, understanding models of inquiry is a critical research and problem-solving skill. The scholar-practitioner needs to actively engage their critical analysis skills in questioning whether the reference material used in their study meets appropriate criteria to make them reliable and genuine to the research. The scholar-practitioner needs to create an evaluation framework and use the evaluation criteria as a tool to decide whether their reference material is suitable to use in their research. Therefore, an evaluation framework is a necessary tool that helps the scholar-practitioner assess the genuineness of their reference material based on specific criteria determined by the research topic. In our case, the evaluation framework is based on the criteria discussed below.
Evaluation Framework Criteria
Does the title clearly express what is contained in the research article?
Does the title clearly communicate the importance of the study?
Does the title immediately capture the attention of the reader?
Are the study methods appropriate to the topic of research?
How does the author collect the data to be used in the research? What strategies do the authors incorporate to eliminate bias, for example, sampling and randomization? Are these strategies effective?
Is the time frame allocated to the research sufficient to obtain relevant results?
Are the statistical assumptions and methods used to analyze the data correctly used?
Are there any ethical concerns as to the collection of the data?
Does the author incorporate illustrations, charts, tables, photographs, maps, and figures to illustrate important concepts and findings?
Are the illustrations relevant and appropriate to the research?
Are the illustrations professional-looking and aesthetically pleasing?
Are the illustrations informative and easy to read?
Discussion and Conclusions
Does the author provide an appropriate conclusion based on the results of the study?
Does the study allow for further research on the topic?
Does the author state the limitations of the study?
The references show the ability of the author to incorporate other authors’ ideas into their works and research. The scholarly practitioner should assess the appropriateness of the bibliography with the following questions in mind.
Is the bibliography present?
Does the author use archaic or historical references, or are the references more current and up-to-date with recent events?
Have the references been obtained from primary sources or secondary sources?
Are the number of references enough to support the length of the article?
Is the style of citation clear and consistent throughout the body?
Presentation and Documentation
Is the text of the article well written and easy to follow?
Does the author use correct and easily understandable vocabulary to communicate their findings?
Is the article clear?
Is the content of the article complete and fully congruent?
Are the data presentations and references complete?
Do the data presentations, for example, tables and graphs, agree with the text?
Length of the article
Is the article long enough to provide an in-depth analysis of the topic?
Has the problem statement clearly and well-articulated by the author?
Is the conceptual framework in line with the theoretical framework of the study?
Has the research question been clearly defined?
Are the variables presented relevant to the study?
Scientific Conduct
To check whether the article meets the criteria for good scientific conduct, the following questions should be answered.
Is the article plagiarised, or does the author attribute non-original ideas to their appropriate inventors?
Has the article been previously published in another form, and is the idea original?
Does there exist a conflict of interest based on the article material or not?
Has the source been aptly reviewed for publication or issue by an appropriate board or institution?
Is the author an expert in the field of research?
Has the author produced any past publications or articles on the topic of research?
Has the author received any commendations, honors, or awards in their field?
Has the author been cited by any other scholars?
Is the publisher well-known?
Purpose and target audience
The scholarly article must be conscious of the purpose of the report and the audience to whom the piece is directed.
Is the article persuasive, informative, or analytical?
Is the article directed to general readers, students, or experts in the field?
Theoretical Framework
The research on drug abuse among teenagers is primarily based on the social-cultural model of addiction as a conceptual framework. This model focuses on the role that society, as a whole, plays in encouraging addiction among teenagers (West, 2013). Under this model, there is a suggested causal link between inequality of the affected population and dependence. Our research finds that teenagers who are unable to fit into society due to their social or economic backgrounds, and those labeled as rebellious, are more predisposed to using drugs and eventually getting addicted. This social-cultural model seeks to develop solutions by changing the social environment rather than treating the victims individually. Such can be accomplished by providing more favorable and accommodative environments to teenagers to prevent drug use.
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