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Age Related Changes and Interventions

Essay Instructions:


This assignment will deepen your understanding of the normal aging process and ways to make changes in the environment to compensate for these.


After reading the chapter, watching the videos, and doing the Learning Curves, write an essay that is at least 500 words naming three age related changes and ways to slow progression or improve the quality of life despite these changes for each of these.

To submit your work: When you've answered all questions, save your essay as a .doc or .docx. Submit the essay as an attachment (do not type into the text box). Click the Submit Assignment button (top right of screen).


This assignment is worth 20 points. Late work is not accepted.

The essay will be graded based on the incorporation of at least 3 chapter concepts concerning age-related declines and proposed environmental supports, and the quality of writing.

Additionally, assignments are always graded on the quality of writing. You are encouraged to spell check and proofread your work as poor writing will result in up to a 10% (2 pt) grade reduction. If quoted material is used (even from the textbook), quotation marks and proper citation in APA format are needed to avoid plagiarism. Failure to properly cite direct quotes on this assignment will result in up to a 10% (2 pt) grade reduction.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
          Module 14: Assignment - Age-Related Changes and Interventions   Student Name Instructor Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Due Date
Module 14: Assignment - Age-Related Changes and Interventions Aging is a gradual natural process that limits human capabilities in diverse spheres of life. Besides the various internal and external factors that influence the aging rate, human genes have a genetic design for aging and ending with death (AsapSCIENCE, 2013). As a result, as a person advances in age, they start to experience distinctive and inevitable age-related changes that vary from one person to another based on their environmental exposure, genetic makeup, exercise, and nutrition, among other factors. Three of these changes comprise presbyopia, presbycusis, and slowness.             Presbyopia is a standard age-related change that illustrates the diminishing capability of a person to see close objects. Belsky (2019) indicates that this challenge occurs due to the gradual alteration of the lens structure. It is a disc-shaped component that curves outwards to allow individuals to focus on objects at proximal distances. The imperfect replications of the human chromosomes leading to loss of their parts with advancing age discussed by AsapSCIENCE (2013) in their video lead to weakening this part. It develops impurities and thickens, leading to loss of bending properties. This process illustrates the concept of sensory aging. However, Belsky (2019) argues that physicians can improve the quality of life of a person suffering from this change by replacing the faulty lens with a contact one. The elderly can also embrace new lifestyle practices, including using appropriate appliances and lighting in their homes. They can also refrain from a night or cloudy-time driving. These aspects improve life quality but do not slow the progression.             Slo...
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