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Caregiving in the Face of Millennials

Essay Instructions:


This assignment will help you better understand that caring for partners, parents, children, and others is a major expression of generativity.


The current group of adults in this time of life have been referred to as the "sandwich generation". After you have read the chapter, The NY Times articleLinks to an external site. and watched the videos of generativity in general, and particularly for this generation during this stage of life, write an essay (minimum of 500 words) in which you thoughtfully respond to the following:

Women are more often kinkeepers and caregivers than are men.

What does the term caregiver mean for adult women (hint: refer to the textbook chapter)?

Why might women be the designated kinkeepers and caregivers in their families?

How are these roles both a blessing and a burden? Please discuss at least one pro and one con.

Remember to appropriately cite the source(s) of your information.

To submit your work: When you've answered all questions, save your essay as a .doc or .docx. Submit the essay as an attachment (do not type into the text box). Click the Submit Assignment button (top right of screen).


This assignment is worth 20 points. Late work is not accepted.

This assignment will be graded based upon how well you’ve applied what you have read and reviewed about generativity and the sandwich generation to gender roles in kinkeeping and caregiving.

Additionally, assignments are always graded on the quality of writing. You are encouraged to spell check and proofread your work as poor writing will result in up to a 10% (2 pt) grade reduction. If quoted material is used (even from the textbook), quotation marks and proper citation in APA format are needed to avoid plagiarism. Failure to properly cite direct quotes on this assignment will result in up to a 10% (2 pt) grade reduction

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Caregiving in the Face of Millennials
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Caregiving in the Face of Millennials
When it comes to caregiving, millennials are in a unique situation where they care both for the elderly and the young while grappling with economic freedom. According to Parker and Patten (2013), one in every seven middle-aged adults provides emotional, financial, and psychological support to both a child and aging. Thus, the generation has been referred to as the Sandwiched Generation because of the dual nature of their caregiving challenges. Given the extreme difficulties of pursuing employment, career development, and educational advancement, this generation faces many challenges that make caregiving for partners, parents, and children a selfless expression of generativity.
Women are more often kin keepers and caregivers than men.
An essential fact about caregiving is predominantly a woman's role. Sandwiched between aging parents and children, in an economic and political society that is patriarchal mainly, the part of caregiving appears to be dominated by women. Thus, of the 40 million Americans who give daily help to a parent, grandparent, a relative, or a neighbor, 66% are women (Demitz, 2017). Further, while men also provide care, they spend 50% less time than women. Of all the American population of older age, 65% are cared for by friends and family, often for free. Thus, women are more likely to shoulder the burden of unpaid hours, leading to poverty.
What does the term caregiver mean for adult women?
For adult women, caregiving means a holistic approach to care in which more than one dimension of care is provided. It involves observing tiny changes in the person cared for, sacrificing time to ensure they received medical attention, monitoring prescriptions, maintaining care appointment records, dressing, and feeding others (Khullar, 2017). Often, adult women caregivers provide emotional and financial support even to grown children. Thus, caregiving is a responsibility that cannot be done halfway for an adult woman.
Why might women be designated ki...
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