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Writing About Why Voting Is Important

Essay Instructions:

You can earn an additional 50 points by writing an essay on why voting is important to you. The essay must be a minimum of 350 words. The essay must be submitted no later than Sunday, November 11.

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Why Voting Is Important
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The term “vote” has been described in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as a preference or an expression of opinion. Across the United States, only a few hundred educated people know that by casting their votes, they can speak of their minds regarding what kind of political system the country should have. Personally, I think that voting is a good way to get one’s responses recorded and that judges, governors, mayors and even the ordinary people must cast their votes.
In America’s democracy, everyone should value his opinions and must choose who should be in office. If we do not do so, then the chance is that corrupt politicians or uneducated people will begin ruling us. What concerns me the most is that various people do not vote, especially the youngsters. I do not know the reason behind it, but I have seen that when the elections approach, many people in my locality, aging from 18 to 30, choose to stay in their houses and do not step out to cast their votes.
Once I de...
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