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Review of Journey to the Flames Film

Essay Instructions:

The film “Journey to the Flames” follows a group

of 20 somethings to the Nevada desert for the Burning

Man festival. This documentary chronicles roughly

20 years of alternative community experimentation

from 1998 to 2018, and highlights many of the most

significant public art pieces from the festival.

Imagine that you are running a newspaper. Your movie

reviewer, J. Hoberman, has been kidnapped. But a deadline

is a deadline and you need to publish a review of JOURNEY

TO THE FLAMES, but written just like J. Hoberman would

write it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Review of “Journey to the Flames” Film
Review of Journey to the Flames
The film Journey to the flames by Williams takes us through Nevada’s legendary Burning Man Festival. The documentary shows the festival, which takes place in the Black Rock desert, and is a depiction of the art of the Burning Man as cover for ten years. The film also shows the culture of these people as shown through the different participants.
The documentary has done much regarding creating a multi-dimensional story. In the beginning, the documentary does not immediately establish its characters. It neither does the same for their relationships and historical backgrounds. By using this method, it makes it hard for most people to be sure of the story and of whether to follow it or not. Although time is taken to establish all these, the story flows seamlessly once the groundwork is done with. The story is rich with suspense that can keep a person guessing all through to the end and this, therefore, means that those who do not follow through to the end miss a lot. The documentary is successful in its avoidance of lengthy descriptions that would otherwise be distractive to following the action and instead, the writing style used is clean. Unnecessary descriptions would also mean spoon-feeding the audience and not allowing them to use their imagination.
The loose structure of Journey to the Flames film also employs the use of vignettes to pass its message across. The plot of the story and the ...
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