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Metamorphosis. Written by Franz Kafka and published in 1915

Essay Instructions:

Please read the Introduction and first chapter of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis. Write a short essay (3 pages) in which you consider how the surreal or metaphorical stories we have read mirror situations in the “real” world. Write an essay in which you compare yourself, someone you know, or someone in another story you have read to one character from one of the excepts from Ovid or Marquez that we read last week – or from the first chapter of the Kafka novel. Your essay should (1) explain your understanding of the surreal or metaphorical details of the character in the story using a close reading and (2) compare them to the situation/transformation experienced in the story you are comparing with. Finally, (3) disucss the following questions: Where do you see an interesting idea embodied in these fantastical characters or the stories in which they participate? How is this idea relevant to our world as well?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Metamorphosis
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Written by Franz Kafka and published in 1915, The Metamorphosis is a famous novella that sheds light on the life of salesman Gregor Samsa who wakes up one morning and finds himself transformed into an insect. At first, he gets shocked and wonders what to do. He looks around his room and sees everything at its place. Gregor then decides to go to sleep once again, thinking that everything will be alright once he wakes up for the second time. However, his transformation is permanent, and then he struggles to adjust to this new condition.
Reality clashes with the absurd when Samsa awakens to find himself transformed into a giant bug. The first chapter of this novella begins with his examination of his own life. He is found looking here and there and getting confused about his current condition. In his room, he sees some fabric samples he used the previous night to do his work and there is a photo of a lady in furs hanging on the wall. Outside the window, he sees the rain dripping down and creating a pleasant environment. In simple words, we can say that Gregor Samsa’s own condition changes and the rest of the things inside and outside his room look normal and at their place.
The core theme of this chapter is that Gregor faces a lot of problems once his condition changes. He finds it difficult to get out of his bed, and his parents get to know that he is having some problem. When I try to apply the same concept to my life, I realize that parents are an integral part of my life. Without them, a child or teenager may never be able to walk even a single step. From getting their help in studies to receiving their support in the professional or marital life, we all need our parents to be around us. Gregor Samsa’s mother comes and knocks the door of his bedroom. Later on, his father also does the same, and both of them are concerned about their son. Similarly, my parents get worried whenever I am late to the school, have not done my homework, or have ...
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