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M8D1: Comparative Analysis of Dance Forms assignment

Essay Instructions:

M8D1: Comparative Analysis of Dance Forms

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Image of two dancers performing modern dance.Sometimes learning occurs best when students are given a few basic instructions and then allowed to discover more for themselves. Such learning can be enhanced when students share what they have found with one another. This exercise will give you the opportunity to take what you have already learned from the textbook and the PowerPoint lecture and dig deeper through class interaction with various samples of dance.

View each of the following selections from the YouTube website. (This will take approximately 40 minutes.)

Swan Lake Main Scene (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][1 min 36 sec] (Ballet)

The Dying Swan (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][4 min 14 sec] (Ballet)

Appalachian Spring (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][8 min 04 sec] (Modern Dance)

Yamanba (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][7 min 24 sec] (World Concert/Ritual Dance—Japanese Kabuki)

Riverdance (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][5 min 27 sec] (Celtic Folk)

Gypsy Dance (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][2 min 52 sec] (Gypsy Folk)

Ghana Tribal Dance (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][6 min 10 sec] (African Folk)

James Brown (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][5 min 1 sec] (Jazz Dance)

You Can’t Stop the Beat (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file][3 min 21 sec] (Jazz Dance)

Choose selections from three different genres (for example, ballet, modern, and folk) and write a comparative analysis in no less than 250 words. Address the following:

Compare and contrast the selections.

Discuss dance styles and variations in the steps.

Discuss the lighting, use of color, and interaction with the dance floor.

Once you have submitted your comments, you should read a minimum of two comments posted by your fellow students. Respond to your peers by critically reading their submissions and addressing the following issues:

The thoroughness of the post (taking into account that most students in this course are not experts in dance).

How your own assessment might be different, including aspects of the selection which especially stood out to you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparative Analysis
Your Name
Subject and Section
December 14, 2018
Dances, just like any piece of art, represents the culture and the period when they were created — these differences in context results in a different combination of movements as well as music that accompanies them. In the videos presented, these variations depending on culture could be seen regarding a dance’s musicality, movement, and setup. Take for example, the ballet performances entitled ‘The Swan Lake’ and ‘The Dying Swan.’ Both of these performances show a dark and serious motif, graceful and elegant movements, and accompanying music produced by an orchestra. These combinations have been prominent in the art of the European Renaissance, where this kind of dance was born (DanceFacts.net, 2018).
In contrast to this modern dances use a lighter motif and utilizes different props in its stage play. These props help the audience to have an idea of the context (or story) of the performance, which is different in a ballet where context could only be deduced in the performers’ movements. Additionally, it could be seen from the performance that the performers are delivering an interpretative theme. This is common for modern dances, as these types of art usually generate inspiration from more classical ones (van Rensburg, n.d.). Lastly, Irish Ce...
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