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Reflection on Political Ideology

Essay Instructions:

Write according to the info on the three exercises, the detail instruction is on the third pages, answer some questions

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Reflection paper on a Political Ideology
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Professor’s Name
November 6, 2018
Before taking the quiz, I have not much thought about where my political ideologies sit as well as the stances that I have about the social issues that surround our nation. Perhaps I have not just given some time to reflect on them, despite all the hours that I spent watching the news about politics with my loved ones. Nonetheless, the exercises that I took earlier in this semester has led me to become more aware of how to classify my ideals as well as given me a better grasp of what I believe in. Even when I was a child, my parents would always let me watch the news with them, while they sometimes discuss what they believe in. Although I forgot exactly what their opinions are, I was surprised that during this exercise I learned that many of my ideals are similar to theirs. Thus, all those hours that I spent with them, watching the news, could be the most significant factor concerning my political socialization.
As for my survey results, I found out in the first exercise that my ideals are almost near to the center of the political spectrum. I remember that while answering that exercise, I firmly believed that a moderate and balanced approach could help solve the issues of our today's society, whereas those who are ‘extremes’ are most likely to narrow our point of view. I know that there are times when the government should impose more regulations, whereas there are also times when they have to give citizens more rights and ...
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