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Using Copyrighted Material and The Extent that Second Users Can Go

Essay Instructions:

All pages: Read topic, then my response, then both of my classmates response and then you WRITE: respond to both classmates on what they wrote and tell if you like/dislike, agree/disagree, any questions, etc. Please keep them separate. There are 3 different topics and 6 classmates responses total. SO, you should be responding to six different post.
Topic 1: Watch this YouTube video:
What did you learn about copyright from watching it? If you already know a good deal about copyright, then what points does it make that you think are important?
my response: Books and work of art including play music, dances, movies and pictures are copyright protected, and one cannot use them without the authorization of copyright owners. However, there are circumstances under fair use where one can use such materials including, news reporting, parody critical and commentary, while the nature amount and commercial use of copyright materials are considered to determine whether users have violated the intellectual property. The fair use of copyrighted work is permitted when it is transformative, adds value or repurposes an original work intended for a new audience. In academics, creating educational material suitable for education settings and this includes relying on implied licenses associated with the Creative Commons licenses. Commentary and criticism of copyrighted work including reviews allow people to critique the work of other people, and reproduce some sections. However, the quotation or use of images and videos is acknowledged. This is especially when the public benefits from a review of copyrighted work, especially for articles. Including the quoted materials strengthens argument, and is preferred to connect with the original work. Parodies imitate or ridicule other works in a comical manner, and a larger content of the content may be used to connect with the original work, unlike other instances when fair use of copyright is permitted.
Before using a copyrighted work, there is a need to determine who owns the copyright, since this may require the creation of a licensing agreement. Other than this is the need to consider how the public domain and fair use of the copyright work influence using such material. Even though, one may claim that a copyright material is in the public domain, there are multilayered works, where some elements are protected from infringement. Nonetheless, there is no need to credit the authors for writing that is in public domain, when the material is made into new works. This does not mean plagiarizing the work of other people without attributing their contribution.
Classmates Response 1: This movie helped me to understand more about copyright. It simplified it and made it easy to understand. It also highlighted the most important aspects of copyright. I knew that copyright was used to protect works like books, songs, movies, and poems, but I did not know that it was used to protect things like dances. I learned that copyright was put into place by the government to protect the intellectual work of authors. It also made clear that you cannot copyright ideas; you can only copyright the product of the idea. At first, copyrights only lasted for 14 years. The government thought that that was long enough for the author to make money off of their work. Now, copyrights last for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years. Copyrighted material can be lent and borrowed for money. They spent a little bit of time talking about the Fair Use clause. The Fair Use clause basically allows for certain uses of copyrighted material in certain circumstances. Some of those uses are for parodies, critical comments, news broadcasting, and educational purposes. This is not a right; it is simply a protection for those who use copyrighted material from getting fined for a slight violation of the copyright.
classmate Response 2:I was a little familiar with copyright law, but did not really understand it fully. The video first explained that a copy right preserves the rights of the copy right holder to use their work as they see fit, but requires another individual to request permission before using said work. Books, plays, music, dance, movies, and pictures can be copyrighted. Something I found very well expressed was the fact that you can't copy right an idea because they do not wan to limit the power of great ideas. This means that we only copyright the form an idea takes. Copyrights only last for a fixed amount of time. It was felt that 14 years was enough time for the original owner to make money from their work, so the work would then be public domain. This means that the work is free to use as the public sees fit. This allows individuals to build from other works to create something new. Now, copy rights last a lifetime, plus 70 years. Fair use comes into to play here. Fair use allows you to use a copy righted work to teach, for news reporting, creating a parody, or to criticize. The nature of the work, the amount of the original work that was borrowed, and your works ability to change the marketplace value of the original, all play a role in the rules behind fair use. As described by this video, fair use is not a right, but rather a legal defense for use of an original work.
Topic 2: You are the editor of an anthology of articles by different writers in different locations on the subject of computer documentation. The anthology will be published by a small commercial press. The press will print and bind the anthology from camera-ready copy you provide. Make policy decisions on the following issues with the goal of creating a useful, high-quality anthology that also can be produced economically and efficiently. Identify the bases for decision making.
There is not necessarily a “right” plan or one that will work in all situations. The study walks you through the process of thinking about the variables of a project.
You may pick from one or more of the following questions:
1. How will the articles be acquired? How can you get quality articles and a broad coverage of topics? Will there be a general solicitation in journals that potential contributors read? Will some people be invited to contribute, and if so, will acceptance of their articles be offered in advance or will their articles be subject to peer review? Will only original articles be accepted, or will reprints also be accepted?
2. How will camera ready copies be obtained? Will writers submit camera ready pages according to your specifications? Will they submit disks? Will they submit hard copy that will be scanned?
3. Printing economy dictates 8 1/2 x 11-inch pages. Will pages be laid out in two columns or in one column with wide margins? Two columns would probably be more readable and would allow more words per page, but they would be harder to produce because of controlling for column breaks as well as page breaks and because multiple writers will prepare the chapters.
4. How consistent must the individual chapters be? If one includes a list of references for further reading, must all of them.
5. How and where will contributor biographies be printed: at the beginning of the anthology or with each chapter?
6. What kinds of illustrations and how many per chapter will be allowed? What will be the responsibilities of authors for providing digital copies?
My response: When submitting the anthologies, the final manuscript ought to be complete, with the while including illustrations, sources and exhibits relevant to the sections. The final changes that need to be made should be included in the submitted document to be published. Include the relevant information of the title, summary of contents and authors. To avoid wasting time piecing together the information the illustration should be complete while integrated with the information provided. Illustrations that interrupt the flow of information should either be placed where they are linked with the text, and if this is not possible they will be removed. This is necessary since the anthologies are placed in sections, where related article are grouped together.
The anthology will also be published digitally, as this is more economical compared to traditional publishers. The authors will be expected to work with us directly, and ensure that they have up-to-date software, to ensure that they can transfer larger downloadable files. When there are separate chapters, provide one chapter for each of the chapters and indicate them in the right order. The sentences should not go beyond twenty sentences long, while it is necessary to limit the use of jargon. The citation and referencing of other related sources to be used in conjunction with the written work, will be consistent with the discipline. Other than this is the need to consistently use the same style of citation for end-notes and footnotes. Digital photographic illustrations need to be high quality and resolution in the jpg. format, and the author will be responsible for identifying the illustrations to be included in their work.
Classmates 1 response:
How will the articles be acquired? How can you get quality articles and a broad coverage of topics? Will there be a general solicitation in journals that potential contributors read? Will some people be invited to contribute, and if so, will acceptance of their articles be offered in advance or will their articles be subject to peer review? Will only original articles be accepted, or will reprints also be accepted?
I think the best way to get high quality articles covering a variety of topics is to use a combination method of solicitation in journals and invitations for contribution. For those contributing through invitation, articles would be subject to peer review. Reaching out to all sorts of authors will bring in a diverse range of material for publication. By subjecting each article to peer review, the level of quality will be ensured and maintained across the board.
How will camera-ready copies be obtained? Will writers submit camera-ready pages according to your specifications? Will they submit disks? Will they submit hard copy that will be scanned?
I would require authors to submit camera-ready pages according to specifications set by the printer and myself. In certain cases, some articles may be accepted for editing. I would ask contributors to submit via disk or attachment in email. This will cut down on waste and will be easy to forward to the printer.
Printing economy dictates 8 1/2 x 11-inch pages. Will pages be laid out in two columns or in one column with wide margins? Two columns would probably be more readable and would allow more words per page, but they would be harder to produce because of controlling for column breaks as well as page breaks and because multiple writers will prepare the chapters.
I would print in two columns but I would start each new article on its own page to maintain organization and clarity. This will be the best of both worlds. Each author would essentially get their own page and there won't be any confusion about who wrote what.
How consistent must the individual chapters be? If one includes a list of references for further reading, must all of them.
I wouldn't require each chapter to have further reading references. If some have it, great, they'll be listed. If others don't, that's fine as well; I would omit that part. How and where will contributor biographies be printed: at the beginning of the anthology or with each chapter?
I would put contributor biographies with each chapter; specifically at the beginning of each article. I think readers will appreciate know a little more about the author before reading their article. This will put a face with the article and provide credentials validating the author's ideas.
What kinds of illustrations and how many per chapter will be allowed? What will be the responsibilities of authors for providing digital copies?
I think simple and relevant illustrations should be allowed only when providing valid information necessary for the understanding of the article. Sometimes a visual is needed to further explain or bring home a point. I would not put a limit on each chapter. I would require the author to provide the illustration properly laid out with their article with all necessary citations.
Classmates 2 response:4. How consistent must the individual chapters be? If one includes a list of references for further reading, must all of them.
5. How and where will contributor biographies be printed: at the beginning of the anthology or with each chapter?
The editor's job is very important, as you are looked at to be able to catch positions and catch certain things that the normal person may not catch with their eye. As the editor of anthology by different writers in different locations on subject of computer documentation, it is very important to make sure that you have fully read and understood the information enough for the reader to understand and break down all information. The individual chapters must be very consistent in order for the information to make sense and to move forward. If the chapters are not consistent then it makes it difficult for the reader to follow along and understand what is going on.
Since they will be multiple contributors, I would personally use them at the beginning of each chapter so that the ready will know who is responsible for each contribution of the individual chapter. Adding the contributors to each chapter will also serve as a way for the ready to know the contributor.
Topic 3: For the FINAL DISCUSSION, report on your work from the Instructions/Process Description Assignment. What did you do? What do you think you learned from doing this assignment? What were the challenges? How did you deal with them?
my response:
The instructions focused on the installation of the Apache Open Office using Microsoft. This includes installing the program and upgrading to improve the enhancements and features, with the software updates having fixed bugs that have slowed down the software's operations. The first step includes reviewing the system requirements to determine that the software is compatible, and this is especially for the software updates. The next step was to determine whether the user requires using java applications, which are compatible with the program and ensure that the software runs more efficiently. This then sets the motion for starting the downloading process, and the instructions focused on the installation process and the Apache Open Office. The software is downloadable, and there is no need to pay for the installation, and installing after the download simply follows the instructions pop after completing each part of the installation process.
In the exercise, I first tried to document the process of installing the Apache Open Office software without looking at the manual. This was necessary to understand how writing and editing communication, as there is a need to clarify processes and instructions. Other people look at the informational the instructions/ process, and assumptions are articulated to avoid misunderstandings with the users of the information. The editing process is also related to reviewing the writing since competent writers should be able to edit the written work to achieve the intended purpose.
Technical editing and writing is important on improving quality assurance, since instructions need to be well written to be understood by different users, who rely on such information are to carry out the process themselves. Just like software testing helps in the development process, technical writing ensures that the documentation is self-explanatory. Additionally, information describing a process should not be published unless it ha been professionally edited, as this is an assurance that users can rely on this information. People should get quality content as reflected by the writing in the workplace context, where written and formal communication is preferred.
One of the challenges in the exercise is analyzing the audience, given the need to communicate with them directly. The more knowledgeable the audience the easier it is to communicate with them, and hence the need to know the knowledge level of the users of information. Before writing one should have a clear understanding on what they intend to achieve, as this then influences how the final written text. After this is the need to review the document while simplifying the content, as editing improves the value of the content.
Distributing the written text to the end users before submitting the final document is necessary to ensure that there is no misunderstandings and miscommunication. If the end user understood the process this indicates that the writer has achieved the intended purpose. The final document's quality should then be a top priority, since providing little information confuses the users who to undertake a process. Good technical writing and editing skills properly define the products, services and processes. Overall, the focus of writing should b to ensure that the information is accurate, complete and easy to understand.
Classmates 1: For the Instructions/Process Description Assignment, I wrote instructions on how to roast coffee at home. I sent the instructions to my partner for her to turn into a process description. She sent me her instructions on how to plan a wedding and I turned the instructions into a process description. The first draft that I turned in as the process description was not separated well and it was difficult to follow. For the second draft, I separated the piece into sections that were more clearly organized under headings. I separated and even added to some of the information from the first draft and the instructions that I was given. Natural challenges came with working with someone I had never met before and when we were both confused about the instructions. It is not easy to ask questions over email and then wait for a response and then communicate with your partner over email and wait for his/her response as well. It takes a lot more planning than I had anticipated and there is no room for procrastination when working with others over email. Once the questions were answered and everything was cleared up, the project went much more smoothly. I learned about working with people in an online course setting. I also learned about how to transform a set of instructions into something very different--a process description. I learned more about writing more professionally and how to help my reader understand what I am trying to communicate by organizing my work well.
Classmates 2:
I have to say I totally underestimated the Process Description assignment. The Process Description assignment has by far been the most challenging assignment I have had in a while. I wanted to write my instructions on something I was familiar with, so I chose to write instructions on how to plan a wedding. After writing the instructions my partner and I switched instructions. My partner and I switched instructions and attempted to make Process Descriptions.
According to http://www(dot)tc(dot)umn(dot)edu/~jewel001/CollegeWriting/WRITEWORK/WORKPLACE/ProcessDescription/default.htm, a Process description is described as “A general description of how a process, step by step.” I then took my partner's instructions and turned them into a Process Description. Turning the instructions into a Process Description initially was not hard. However, the wording of the Process Description can be a little difficult. Some of the challenges I have faced have been first realizing what exactly a Process Description is and how to correctly write one. Another challenge that I had in the very beginning was just getting started with the process. Later, I had some challenges with writing the Process Description in third person. In order to deal with my challenges, I have just been reading up on things and just being patient with the process.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Copyright response one
The movie as the response rightly puts it is very informative as it offers the views insights on the meaning of copyrights. At the same time the video takes on a very simple approach to help the viewer understand the basics behind the copyright. As the response puts it, much of the information on copyrights is focused on the movies, books, poems and songs. Very little information known about the copyrights which touch on the dances. The government uses the copyright laws to make sure that they protect the intellectual property of the authors. It is agreeable that, the copyright period in the past has been 14 years but has since been extended to a lifetime plus 70 years. The response brings it out, this is the time that the government estimates that the owners of the material would need to make financial gains from their work. Ideally the basis for the copyright tends to reflect the monetary gains that the owners get. Other than the fact that the information from the material could be used to create even better content. The response however does not mention this aspect, which is quite crucial to the element of information growth. However, the response does mention the various instances that the fair use policy can apply with reference to using copyrighted material and the extent that second users can go.
Copyright response two
As the response puts it across, the video is pretty easy for the audience to understand the content conveyed and explicitly explains how one requires the permission of the copyright owner to use the content in question. The copyright laws cover books, music, plays, dance, pictures and movies. One of the aspects that is not agreeable in this response is that, one cannot copyright an idea. This is wrong and misleading. The respondent seems to have misunderstood the content of the video at this point. According to the video, it is clear that one can copyright an idea as such, users would have to get concern to use the idea in a different context. However, the video further states that it is possible to use an idea that has been copyrighted, but in this case one can only use the form of the idea and not the idea per se. as such, it is possible for other users to use the form of an idea, thereby building on other ideas or even bringing about new information. However, the respondent cites rightly that copyrights now last a lifetime plus seventy years. At the same time the respondent rightly puts it that, while fair use allows users to use content that is copyrighted, this is not a right by extension but rather a legal defense for using someone else's original works.
Anthology response one
It is agreeable that using a number of invitation mechanisms will increase the chances of having more contributions of the articles. These can then be subjected to peer review to establish quality and relevance. It is also agreeable that the authors bringing in their material should provide camera ready content and this should be provided...
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