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Critical Thinking Psychology: Television Is Bad For Children

Essay Instructions:

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
In what ways do you think television can influence and affect how children act?
In what ways does technology, specifically social media and video games, impact the behavior of children?
Required Resources
The following resources are required to complete the assessment.
Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
Grohol, J. M. (2009). The debilitating effects of TV on children [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://psychcentral(dot)com/blog/archives/2009/09/27/the-debilitating-effects-of-tv-on-children
Assessment Instructions
Note: Assessments in this course will help you progressively build your critical thinking, analysis, and writing skills. Completing the assessments in sequential order, 1–5, will give you the best opportunity for success in demonstrating each of these skills.
For this assessment, apply critical thinking skills to analyze an author's position on a current topic in psychology. Also, present your supported position on the topic. The analysis will be 3–5 pages in length.
To prepare, be sure to read the article linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading, "The Debilitating Effects of TV on Children," by Dr. John M. Grohol. 
Then, search professional psychology Web sites, such as American Psychological Association and the National Institute of Mental Health, for articles that either support or derail Dr. Grohol's arguments. Locate at least two professional or scholarly articles written within the last eight years that you can use as resources for this assessment. At least one of the articles you use must be a scholarly journal article.
Professional psychologists need to be able to analyze the arguments and reasoning of authors about different issues in psychology. After reading Dr. John M. Grohol's 2009 article, "The Debilitating Effects of TV on Children," and doing your own research on the topic, apply your critical thinking skills to analyze the author's position.
As you compose your analysis, consider the following questions:
What are the main arguments used by the author?
What supporting evidence does he use?
What does the author assume to be true in order to put forth his arguments?
Do you agree or disagree with the author's reasoning?
What evidence do you have to support your position?
Does the research you found support or refute Dr. Grohol's arguments?
You may consider organizing your analysis in the following way:
Title page.
Introduction – Explain why the author wrote this article (his purpose). Describe the issue and his position on the topic.
Body of the paper:
Explain the main arguments used by the author.
Identify the supporting evidence the author uses for his arguments.
Explain the assumptions the author makes in order to uphold his arguments.
Explain whether you agree or disagree with the author by describing your position on the issue.
Support your position with references to the resources you located during your research. Use articles written on this topic within the last eight years.
Conclusion – Briefly restate the author's arguments and your position. Also, address any unanswered questions that may linger.
Reference page – Use at least two scholarly or professional resources. Keep in mind that Wikipedia is not an appropriate resource.
A note about crediting sources:
You are required to cite resources that you use to compose your assessments, using both in-text citations and the corresponding references.
In the body of your work, use in-text citations any time you are referencing information that you have found from a source. Typically, within parentheses, type the author or authors' last names followed by a comma and the publication year. At the end of your post, provide a full reference for the source, so if another learner is interested in reviewing the information from the source in more detail, the learner will know how to find it. The following resources will help refresh your understanding of citing and referencing sources.
Your completed assessment should be approximately 3–5 pages in length. You must follow APA guidelines for formatting your analysis and citing your resources. 

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.

Number of resources: A minimum of two current scholarly or professional resources.

Length: 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page or references.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Television Is Bad For Children
According to John M. Grohol, watching television is one of the most harmful practices that the American society has been engaging in and one that is bound to affect the future generations. This is a practice that has the most debilitating effects on the children, relative to their social skills and academic prowess (Grohol, 2016). As children continue to watch television, this affects that their behavior and perceptions towards real life events and get carried away by misguided elements of most of the content air on television. The author likens watching television to the dangerous habit of smoking that was quite prevalent in the 70s. He further points out that, children are likely to pick up bad habits such as sexual encounters followed by teenage pregnancies as well as engaging in drug abuse among others. As such the author points out that television watching should be closely monitored to make sure that the children do not pick out bad habits (Grohol, 2016). The main premises of the paper is thus to discourage parents from allowing their children to have too much television relative to the negative impacts it has on the growth and development.
Television is bad for Children
The author opens the piece by drawing on the analogy of smoking habits that were quite prevalent in the 70s. watching television, according to Grohol, is one of the most dangerous habits that most of the Americans have become accustomed to completely oblivious of the damage it does to them. More importantly, the fact that they expose their children to the television is more absurd. Grohol, cites that watching television is dangerous to the children as it tends to alter their behavior and affects them socially and even their academics (Grohol, 2016). Children that are below 3 should not be allowed to have any onscreen time as it affects their development and growth into healthy children and later adults.
To support his argument, Grohol, cites past research material which discourage television exposure to children citing the negative impacts. In one of the research that Grohol cites, television watching for the children has been found to cause the children to lose grip of their academics. Specifically, in 2007, research found that 14 year olds that watched television for one hour or more on a daily basis ran the risk of failing to complete their homework, develop negative attitudes, have poor grades at school and in most cases have long-term academic failure. The research further cites that those that watch more than three hours of television a day are more likely to have difficulties maintaining attention and learning and were more likely to miss out on college (Grohol, 2016). This is also echoed in a research published in the ...
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