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Shaping Ethical Contexts - Part I

Essay Instructions:

Identify forms of faulty evidence and reasoning (as well as dismissive communication) in a public argument about an ethical issue. Draw from talk shows, newspaper editorials, speeches, interviews, debates, congressional hearings, and other sources. Possible topics might include national healthcare, Bin Laden's death, stem cell research, illegal immigration, and reducing the national debt. Respond to at least 2 of your peer's responses. Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Support your writing with at least three scholarly sources, two of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles. Your textbook (or a textbook from another management course) may be used as a third source.

Readings for the Week:

Carter, S. M., Rychetnik, L., Dietetics, P., Lloyd, B., Kerridge, I. H., Baur, L., & ... Zask, A. (2011). Evidence, Ethics, and Values: A Framework for Health Promotion. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(3), 465-472

Frank, G., Ofobike, E., & Gradisher, S. (2010). Teaching business ethics: A quandary for accounting educators. Journal of Education for Business, 85(3), 132-138. Retrieved from http://search(dot)proquest(dot)com/docview/745602486?accountid=8289 

Green, S., & Weber, J. (1997). Influencing Ethical Development: Exposing Students to the AICPA Code of Conduct. Journal Of Business Ethics, 16(8), 777-790

Tsuen-Chiuan, T., Harasym, P. H., Coderre, S., McLaughlin, K., & Donnon, T. (2009). Assessing ethical problem solving by reasoning rather than decision making. Medical Education, 43(12), 1188-1197. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2009.03516.x



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 5: Shaping Ethical Contexts - Part I
Shaping Ethical Contexts - Part I
Some of the problems related to ethical compliance are how to make an effective program that upholds the wider values and standards while considering factors like culture. Being aware of these differences, as well as certain legislation, is important. Several global issues being addressed have failed to account for various differences especially culture. Arguments have risen concerning some faulty evidence presented as different people view these issues from various perspectives especially when public safety is concerned (Frank, Ofbike, & Gradisher, 2010)
Most arguments are dynamic with each of them influencing the other element based on different beliefs, hence influencing the target audience to either agree or disagree with the issues. For arguments to be more appealing, one needs to consider the logical aspects of the argument, emotional aspects of the audience and ethical related appeals. Audiences respond positively to facts, statistics and reliable testimonies. However, not all of these reasoning are justified; some can be faulty based on the flawed evidence (Tsuen-Chiuan, Harasym, Coderre, McLaughlin& Donnon, 2009).
One of the arguments that have caused a lot of public outcry is the proposed policy mandating immunization as an entry required for school going girls. In 2006, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first HPV and also recommended three doses to be administered to girls between the age of 11years and 12 years. The vaccine is to prevent girls from any sexually transmitted diseases. Various legislations tried to make it mandatory for all girls to be v...
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