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Creative Writing
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Critical Self Reflection Essay

Essay Instructions:

In this reflective writing exercise you will analyze yourself with regard to the stage of development at which you are today as a critical thinker and your strengths and challenges in the matter of becoming a critical thinker with advanced reasoning skills.

As you internalize critical thinking concepts, models, and theories, what do you want to understand about being a fair-minded critical thinker when you leave this class that you can use in the “real world”?


write a self-reflection essay that answers the following:

1.) What does critical thinking mean to you? Describe the role that critical thinking plays in your life today. Explain and offer examples of how you might further apply critical thinking in your life.

2.) What does this course have to do with good thinking in general or with your particular beliefs?

3.) Define and explain a point of view or primary value you sometimes rely on to guide your thinking. Briefly describe how you personally analyze and assess thinking.

4.) List three inferences you have made in the past. Is it possible to separate emotions from issues that are heavily based on belief systems such as religious beliefs?


In this self-reflective assignment, you need to back up your ideas and claims with scholarly sources. Keep in mind that critical reasoning and thinking skills are not the same as opinions. While it is acceptable to write in the first person, as needed for this assignment, be sure to support your ideas with valid, reputable, and scholarly articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical thinking
Course title:
There has never been need for more creative thinking than in the modern times. This view follows the consideration of the varied challenges in the modern world that require creative thinking for survival. Critical thinking entails skillful conceptualization of ideas that are obtained from observation, experience or reasoning in a bid to internalize them as the guide for belief or action. This is as opposed to the embrace of intuitions or ungrounded thoughts to articulate ones beliefs and actions. In the articulation of the critical thinking, it is crucial that examination of the structures of the thoughts is done to ensure proper understanding of the thought patterns. The articulation of critical thinking has played a major role in my life. Critical thinking helps in making the right decisions when one is faced with difficult issues in life. In such circumstances, when one utilizes critical thinking it helps to prevent reaching at decisions that are not viable in regard to the problem or issue at hand. This is because, critical thinking embraces the skill of analyzing the issue at hand, as well as the viable solutions before arriving at the conclusions. In order to further the application of critical thinking in life, it would be crucial to embrace allocation of more time in the creative thinking. This is because; at times, there is failure to allocate time to thinking whereby people have an intuition that thinking does not have to take time. But this is not reality. Whenever one is faced with issues or problems in life, in the spirit of critical thinking, there should be time for doing the thinking. Again, it is crucial not to limit the issues in which one applies the creative thinking. At times, one is tempted to think that it is only technical issues that need critical thinking. It is crucial to note that even the small issues in daily life need creative thinking so that things can run smoothly.
Good thinking
This course is very crucial in articulating good thinking in general. This is because; it sheds light on the need to embrace creative thinking, whereby; the issue at hand is analyzed in a critical manner such that its internal structures are well understood. This course orients to the application of the skills of thinking that is based on reasoning. Shaw (2014) asserts that; the reasoning in critical thinking is pegged on crucial factors such as implications and consequences. Critical thinking is an intellectual discipline in the sense that it utilizes intellectual commitment in guiding behavior. This is as opposed to the random application of ideas whereby, one does not consider the implications and consequences in the long run. Creative thinking course is useful because, it negates the attitude of making decisions based on intuitions or without reasoning. This mainly emanates from the lack of the knowledge concerning critical thinking or the inability to articulate the basic aspects of the critical thinking due to the intuitive weakness of an individual or following the hard habits that have been created. The habi...
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