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Creative Writing
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Topic Points of Grammar

Essay Instructions:

Your first case assignment consists of three parts. Please ensure that you complete all of these to be considered for full credit. Part I: The following questions appear in a writing skills inventory located at http://writingcenter(dot)unc(dot)edu/faculty-resources/classroom-handouts/taking-inv entory/. Give some thought to these questions, and provide brief written responses to each by the end of this module. 1.What do you perceive as your greatest writing challenge overall? What do you usually have the most trouble with as a writer? 2.What do you like about your current writing process? What do you do well? 3.Which points of grammar, punctuation, style, or mechanics do you feel uncertain about? What sentence level issues trouble you most often? Part II: Visit the Trident Online Library, and identify one book and three journals in which one would be able to find published studies relevant to the health sciences. (Hint: Books can be found via ebrary). Describe the process that you undertook to locate these items. Finally, provide reference citations for each of these sources in APA format. Present these elements in written form by the end of this module. Part III: Plagiarism, whether deliberate or unintended, can be devastating to a student's academic career and even future employment. Given this, please review the information provided in the Indiana University Plagiarism Tutorial, and complete the 10-Item Quiz after doing so. At the conclusion of the quiz, you will be given an option of having a copy of your results e-mailed to your instructor. Please do so as this will serve as verification that you have completed the third part of this assignment. Length: The written component of this assignment should be 2-3 pages long (double-spaced). References: At least four references must be included from scholarly sources-one book and three peer-reviewed journal articles. Required Reading is included. Quoted materials should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. Materials copied verbatim from external sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. In-text reference citations are required as well as a list of references at the end of the assignment. (APA format is required.) Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions. Format: APA format is required for this assignment. Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Topic Points of Grammar
Students Name
Supervisors Name
Part I
My greatest writing challenge is coming with up to date topics and determining as to whether people may care to read. A lot of ideas and thoughts go through my mind, swimming through one topic to another, deciding on a story that would come up with a well-written piece. There are various challenges that I face as a writer one of it being when I have to decide whether my piece of writing will become an essay or a short story. This is because different writing calls for different styles. The use of other literary tools will also depend on the topic that I have chosen to write about. (Lannon, 2011).
As at the moment, my current writing process is formulated in a way that it is understood by any reader. My writing process goes through identifying the current writing process, reviewing on the writing process to verify whether it is proper for the chosen topic. I will then relate this with the project I am working on, and if it fits then I will continue with this process (Fry, 2012).
I am good in identifying a writing style for each process; this is because most of my writing style is always related to the topic i am writing about. The point of grammar and other punctuation styles that I am usually uncertain about is in the first person writing, especially when explaining a situation in the paper. The use of English and British command of language also confuse as they also affect the spelling of sentences (Caine, 2012). This is a challenge for other writers too. Other areas include use of prepositions, modifiers and subject verb agreement.
Part II
The future of Public Health
This book argues that public the health of the American people can only be made possible through proper public health measures. This is the only way that the country can be able to control air and water bone deceases, provide safe water and food for its people and also control the child and maternal mortality in the country. (InstituteOfMedicineStaff, 2011)
The Agriculture Health Study
This journal is relev...
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