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3 pages/≈825 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.8

Personal knowledge and experience

Essay Instructions:

• Choose a topic from your personal knowledge and experience. Remember that you must utilize your first-hand experience to prove your authority to write on a topic. Purely generalized and/or factual information is not acceptable. • Write in your own words, from your perspective or point of view, using the pronoun “I.” • Capture your reader’s attention with an interesting introductory paragraph. • Use specific examples from your personal experience. • Use concrete or vivid words. • Use complete I am a male in the US, no college experience yet. So the topic should preferably maintain some form of that identity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:


Productivity is one of the terms that are used in quite a number of fields. While it may have a different meaning depending on the area of use, there is a relative resemblance in the elements it refers to. In most of the cases the differences are brought about by the expected outcomes that the term is used to refer to with close reference to the field or scenario of use. In academia it basically refers to the aspects revolving around achieving the best in all academic goals within the time stipulated. Like most aspect in life, academics are regulated heavily by timelines and goals that one has to achieve at the end of the time periods. When the goals stipulated at the specified level are achieved, students regardless of the stage are allowed to move on to the next stage. Achieving the goals stipulated does not just mean completion, rather it stipulates growth in various areas of the student involved. This means almost all the areas spanning from financial to social are affected. As such, productivity brings change and development in students. The ability to master ones capabilities of maximizing their productivity is the most crucial yard stick other than any other measuring elements.
I have had a first had experience in trying to be productive in high school education. One of the aspects that I noted is that, the different levels of achievement within any of the given academic field, illustrate that, there are different levels of productivity. Different students have different abilities and the same is illustrated in the grading systems that have been put in place. Over the years there have been critics that do not believe the grading system brings out the abilities of the students and their productivity levels in their entirety. I too believe that productivity should be the core of any testing mechanisms in schools. I also believe that the productivity level can be affected by a number of factors and is not a clear indication of the students’ ability at the time of the tests. Regardless of the testing mechanisms, the ability to maximize resources use and achieve the highest productivity levels is core to any students’ chances of development.
Out of my personal experience, there are number of aspects that increase the level of productivity. One of the main elements that affect productivity and one that I have experienced is time management. It is one of the elements that are not taught in class but affects the level of productivity to a great extent. Time management relates to the ability to allocate time to the various activities within a specific period for maximum results. This meant that as a student I had to have some form priority to categories the activities. The high priority activities were allocated more time, while the ones that are not of high priority were allocated less time.
In the past research involved vast amount of time visiting the library, reading books from different sections to come up with a solid paper. My parents went through this kind of process to get their research papers done. Today technology has greatly shifted the...
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