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Creative spark talk analysis

Essay Instructions:

Review the entire list of talks on the "Creative Spark" TED channel.

Select one talk that is of interest to you and watch it in its entire length.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary of the salient points made in the talk and its supporting details that catch your interest.

Indicate the name and position of the speaker and the location and year of the talk in your summary.

Conclude your summary with a reflection of the following:

How the talk's content illuminates some of the stages of creativity

How the topic of the talk relates to the concepts of imagination and curiosity

How some of the points made in the talk might apply to your personal experience and benefit society as a whole

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

http://www(dot)ted(dot)com/playlists/11/the_creative_spark this link is your source pick anyone that is easier for you

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Creativity spark talk analysis
Course title:
Creativity spark talk analysis
Sir Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity
Sir Ken Robinson is the senior advisor of J. Paul Getty Trust. The talk took place at TED conference in Monterrey, California on February 2006.
This speaker challenges how children are currently being educated. Sir Robinson champions a drastic rethink of the school systems, to develop and nurture creativity, and recognize several kinds of intelligence. In this talk, Robinson (2006) pointed out that children have extraordinary capacities for innovation and they have tremendous talents. Creativity, according to the speaker, is as significant in education just as literacy and it has to be treated with the same status. Children will take a chance as they are not afraid of being wrong although being wrong does not mean being creative (Robinson, 2006). However, if people are not prepared to be wrong, they are not prepared to come up with anything original. By the time children get to be adults, the majority of them have lost that capacity – the capacity to be prepared to be wrong – they become frightened to be wrong. The speaker states that today, mistakes are stigmatized and mistakes are actually the worst things that one can make in the national education system. The consequence of this, as Sir Robinson states, is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso once noted that every child is in fact born an artist; the problem however, is to remain an artist as he or she grows up. The speaker believes that if we do not grow into creativity, we would instead grow out of creativity. According to Sir Robinson, people get educated out of creativity.
The speaker pointed out that every education system in the world including America and Europe has hierarchy with regard to subjects; languages and mathematics are usually placed at the top whereas humanities are at the bottom of the arts. Likewise, there is hierarchy within the arts in schools, as music and art are often given higher status compared to drama and dance (Robinson, 2006). Worldwide, not any education system teaches dance everyday the way it actually teaches mathematics. Why or why not; both are important. Mathematics is important and so is dance – children dance all the time and we all do since all have bodies. The speaker points out that by looking at the output, the purpose of public education throughout the globe is really to produce university professors (Robinson, 2006).
According to the speaker, the education system of today is predicated on the notion of academic ability. This is because the entire system was invented around the world before the 19th century and there were no public education systems. They all came into being for the purposes of meeting the needs of industrialism (Robinson, 2006). The high rock is therefore reached on 2 ideas: (i) that the most useful subjects for work were at the top. Although people liked doing things related to creativity for instance music and the arts, they never pursued them professionally. The notion was that they would never get a jo...
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