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How to Get Rid of Annoying Roommate

Essay Instructions:

*Write a process essay. please go beyond the obvious content and/or take the usual side. *You will be writing a directional process essay or also known as how -to or instructional. *Also use sensory details and show the process don't just tell it. *Include clear logical sequence steps, smoothly connected by transition tags. *Directly address the reader as YOU. *Do the introduction PRIOR to first body paragraph. *Steps should be clearly ARRANGED in time order. **INTRODUCTION: first use HOOK, second, use CONTENT, thirdly use underlines THESIS statement. **BODY: use three steps of the process in time order with transition tags. **CONCLUSION: sufficient summary and closure. further develop thesis statement in a future- oriented way. leave the reader with something to read about. NOTE B : please follow this instruction, specially the TAKE THE LESS USUAL SIDE, and SHOW DONT TELL. Use 3 steps in intro, body and conclusion. This is instructional / process essay.

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How to Get Rid of Annoying Roommate
Course Title:
How to Get Rid of Annoying Roommate
One of the social aspects of human beings is living together. It is common to find yourself living together as due to constraints on, accommodation space thus sharing a common room. Some people have annoying behaviors and this is made worse if you happen to share the same room with them (Yager, 2002). For instance, my roommate has the following behaviors that are absolutely annoying. He makes noise in the room, he is unclean, lacks cooperation, and argues over small issues. These habits can particularly jeopardize the relationship between roommates and continue to deteriorate with time. However, the challenging thing is how to get rid of such annoying roommates without necessarily making them feel offended or feel that you are sending them off. Therefore, it is important that you act smart, if you are to achieve the goal of getting rid of your roommate. There are different ways of ensuring that you achieve the objective if you follow some smart steps. This essay offers a guideline in three easy steps that you can follow to get rid of an annoying roommate.
Steps To Get Rid Of Annoying Roommate
Ensuring your annoying roommate is gotten rid of is started by making him feel inconvenienced while in the room by providing a disturbing environment. For instance, you can achieve this by ensuring that whenever they require calm and quiet environment you thwart it by bringing in disturbance. You can achieve this by ensuring that when the roommate is concentrating on doing something that requires silence you turn-on the television or the radio. In addition, play loud hard rock or reggae music when the roommate is in the room. This will create discomfort to the roommate who will feel offended, and maybe leave the room for some time. Alternatively, you can purpose to always engage the roommate with a talk whenever you find he or she needs some piece of mind. The talk may revolve around anything and especially those topics you now that he is never interested in. In addition, you can add to the inconvenience by switching off the lights with the excuse that when the television set is on, there is no need for extra lights while the roommate needs the light. This will limit the roommate carrying any other activity in the lowly dimly lit room and thus either join you or decide to sleep. If the roommate decides to get in bed, make sure you play the music up to late night to disturb his sleep (Yager, 2002). Making the roommate have disturbed nights from the high volume coming from the music, will make him uncomfortable in the room.
Another way of ensuring the roommate feels the need to leave the room and find his own room is bringing in noisy friends in the room. You will make this work if you consider bringing those friends whom he does not like because of the manner they jitters him. Furthermore, these jittery friends who visit your room are frequent and they come in large numbers. This will reduce the levels of privacy of your roommate who will increasingly feel offended. The friends should also come and talk into a significant part of the night deprivi...
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