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MED School personal statement

Essay Instructions:
Hi, I need one page personal statement to med school. it has 3 questions that I needs to be answered. I wrote the answers down, but I need help in putting them into an essay. Please use the mission statement For MEDEX and use as the answer for the questions. it has to be 1 page, single spaced, 12 new rom I include the essay below. Please use it to write the essay. Question 1 Why did you select MEDEX Northwest and what can the MEDEX Program teach you? Answer : So, about why you chose medex....You can definitely talk about them being a good school and you moving to WA and things like that, but you gotta go a little further. Go on their website and read about them...their mission statement, their projects/goals, etc. Then, talk about how you relate to their mission. For example, they talk about wanting to help underserved areas, so you can talk about how there is a large slavic community in the Seattle area, but there is still a lack of slavic medical professionals. So, you want to become one of them so you can fill the need, bridge the gap, etc. Talk about what you hope to learn from them...so, not just medical knowledge, but how to work with different people and learn from different people. Maybe how to become a provider who not only graduates with a lot of knowledge, but also gains the ability to continue to learn and develop more throughout your whole future career, so that you could always be able to provide the best service to your patients. Things like that Question 2-How do you think having a Master's degree will effect your future options? But as far as Master's degree, you could say that it will open more doors, will provide more versatility for you in your future career options, etc. -question 3 What are the biggest challenges you face by returning to school and what will you contribute to your MEDEX classmates? Difficulties about returning to school could include balancing all of your activities in life. You can tell them about your church involvement and about how important it is to you and that you realize that this will create somewhat a difficult situation for you as far as time management, but that it will be a good lesson to learn. Something like that. Well, the first part could be the time management thing. The second part...you could talk about your cultural/ethnic background as being something you could contribute, because it will help the other students learn more about how to be culturally sensitive/culturally competent providers. Also, just talk about your personality. Say you love to meet new people, do great with teamwork, etc. I don't know... it's whatever you think you have that could help others in that program. I am from Latvia, Russian origin To me, People are most voluble being on Earth. Nothing is as important as human being. I treasure the opportunities of meeting new people and leaving memorable footsteps in their lives. PA program can really help me to to inspire to , most people say that I bring good atmosphere, cheering mood. I respect an individual. Every person has many talents that can be discovered if someone will make them believe in themselves. Throughout my life I realized that investing in people is the most satisfying occupation. Statistics says that every person has an approximate talents and abilities, but only few . sadly the biggest place for undiscovered talents is cemetery. By respecting people I can inspire them to believe in themselves and Investing in people… Also I have 7 years of education and can be very helpful of sharing how to organize priorities, plan schedule and I discover many successful methods of studying. I have great research skills and great communication skills. I also am a good mediator when conflict arises MEDEX mission statement MEDEX Northwest Mission Statement MEDEX Northwest is a regional program that educates physician assistants in a proven tradition of excellence. MEDEX Northwest, the University of Washington School of Medicine's Physician Assistant Program, is committed to educating experienced health personnel from diverse backgrounds to practice medicine with physician supervision. The program provides a broad, competency-based curriculum that focuses on primary care with an emphasis on underserved populations. MEDEX encourages life-long learning to meet ever-changing health care needs. As a pioneer in PA education, MEDEX continues to be innovative in identifying, creating, and filling new niches for PAs as a strategy for expanding health care access.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Creative writing
Personal statement
[Student’s name]
[Institutional affiliation]
Personal statement
I choose MEDEX Northwest School of medicine because it is a good school which offers the study program I am interested in, that is, Physician Assistant study Program. This school will also give me the opportunity to move to Western American parts. What attracted me most to the MEDEX was the institutions’ outstanding mission, which indicates that the institution is committed towards provision of education to health personnel who are experienced and originating from varied backgrounds towards provision of medicine with supervision of physicians. The program offers competency-based and broad curriculum which focuses upon primary care and emphasizes upon populations which are underserved. This would give me the opportunity to be able to serve populations which are underserved, which has always been my goal. For example, I would like to offer my services to Slavic community within Seattle area which experiences limited medical professionals. This would enable me to contribute towards life saving within such areas.
Through the MEDEX program, I will have the capacity to advance my medical knowledge especially within the Physician Assistant study program and will have the capacity to gain knowledge concerning ways of working with various individuals from varying backgrounds. I will also be shaped in a way that I will be a medical provider who has the capacity to progressively obtain considerable knowledge so as to develop successively throughout my future career. This would enable me to offer the best medical se...
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