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Research And Discuss About Is Abortion Wrong?

Essay Instructions:

CRITICAL THINKINGEssay Two GuidelinesStep 1. Explain the standard or most popular arguments for and against the claim that fetuses have aright to life.Step 2. Explain why these arguments are or are not persuasive. If you say one is persuasive, youmust respond to Marquis’ reason for doubting that argument.1st OPTION:If you take this option, you should read Thomson’s full article on abortion.Step 3. Explain how Thomson argues that abortion is not wrong even if fetuses do have a right to life.Step 4. Explain why Thomson’s argument is good or bad.If you say it is good, you should explain why you agree with it and you should respond to possibledisanalogies (significant differences) between the case of the violinist and cases of abortion (forexample: (a) the violinist is not related to you, but your fetus is related to you – it’s family; (b) youweren’t responsible for being hooked up to the violinist, but, outside of cases of rape and perhapsfailure of birth control, people bear some responsibility for getting pregnant). You need to explainwhy these disanalogies don’t make Thomson’s argument weak. Or you need to show howThomson’s argument can be changed so that these disanalogies don’t apply.If you say it is bad, you have to explain why you think it’s bad and consider how Thomson wouldrespond to your claims. Why would she disagree with you? Give a reason that shows that herresponse to your argument would not be persuasive.2nd OPTION:If you take this option, you should read Marquis’ full article on abortion.Step 3. Explain how Marquis argues that abortion is wrong.Step 4. Explain why Marquis’ argument is or is not good.If you say it is good, you should explain why you agree with it and you should also respond to thefollowing objection: even if it is typically wrong to deprive human beings of ‘futures like ours’,abortion is still not wrong, because people are not obligated to let others use things that they own,and women own their bodies. After all, I am not obligated to donate my kidney to someone if theywould die unless I donate it because I own my kidney. Similarly, since a pregnant woman owns herbody, she is not obligated to allow a fetus to use her body.If you say it is bad, you have to explain why it’s bad and you should consider how Marquis wouldrespond to your reasoning. Why would he disagree with you? Give a reason that shows that hisresponse to your argument would not be persuasive.BOTH OPTIONS (you need to do the following steps regardless of which option youchoose):Step 5. Write an introduction that lets the reader know what your main goal in the essay is – whatyour ultimate conclusion is in the essay and how you reach that conclusion.Step 6. Write a conclusion that sums up how you reached your main goal in the essay.Length, formatting, and due date.• The final draft of the essay should be at least 5 pages and no more than 6 pages. The firstdraft should be at least 4 pages.• The margins should all be 1”. The font should be Garamond or Baskerville or Times NewRoman, 12 point. It should be double spaced• You must turn in both drafts on Blackboard. First drafts can be up to one week late, butyou will lose 2 points for every day that it is late. Late final drafts will not be accepted.Citations.You must cite all sources that you use. Note that you can view your Originality Report whenyou submit the assignment on Blackboard to see what sources it says that you used.You can use any citation style that you want, including the following:BOOKS1. Rosalind Hursthouse, On Virtue Ethics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), 28.1. Author’s Full Name, Title of Book (Place It Was Published: Publisher, Year of Publication), PageNumber Being Cited.ARTICLESIn an anthology or edited collection:2. Don Marquis, “An Argument that Abortion is Wrong,” in Ethics in Practice, 4th edn., ed. HughLaFollette (Malden: Wiley Blackwell, 2014), 141-150, at 142.2. Author’s Full Name, “Title of Article,” in Title of Book, ed. Full Name of Book’s Editors (Placeof Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page numbers of the article in the book, at pagenumber being cited.In a journal:3. Robert Lane, “Why I Was Never a Zygote,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 41 (2003): 63-83,at 74.3. Author’s Full Name, “Title of Article,” Name of Journal and Volume Number (Year ofPublication): Page Numbers of the Article in the Journal, at Page Number Being Cited.For multiple authors, websites, and other types of sources not covered above, ask me for help orsee: http://www(dot)chicagomanualofstyle(dot)org/tools_citationguide.html

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Is Abortion Wrong?
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Is Abortion Wrong?
Abortion is a hotly debated subject in the country today. This essay seeks to show that terminating a pregnancy is not morally wrong. The ultimate conclusion of the essay is that abortion is not wrong since to terminate does not constitute violating the foetus’ right to life, but rather deprives the foetus of something, namely the non-consensual usage of the mother’s life-support functions and body. The right of the foetus to life does not include the right of using of the body of the woman to sustain itself. This conclusion was reached through careful consideration of the arguments put forth by Judith Thomson in her 1971 article.
The most popular argument for the assertion that foetuses have a right to life includes the argument that foetuses are persons or human beings from the instant of conception. As such, they are entitled to the right to life just like any other human being. This argument is not persuasive because it fails to consider the fact that the right to life of the unborn baby does not prevail over the woman’s right to decide what takes place to or in her body (Thomson, 1971). The mother has no strict duty or obligation to carry the foetus. The most popular argument against the assertion that a foetus has a right to life is that this right to life does not include the non-consensual use of the woman’s body (McDonagh, 2011). This argument is persuasive because even though the foetus is a person and therefore entitled to all the rights that people enjoy including the right to life, it lacks a moral or ethical right of using the body of the mother to sustain its life.
1st Option
Thomson (1971) argues that abortion is not wrong even if foetuses do have a right to life by using various thought experiments. Granting for argument’s sake that the unborn foetus has a right to life, this author employs a number of thought experiments in arguing that the right to life of the foetus does not overshadow or prevail over the right of the expectant woman to control her body, and that induced abortion is thus not morally impressible. She begins by addressing the premise that she feels most abortion opponents depend on: that the foetus in the womb of the pregnant woman is a person from the time it is conceived. To claim this, Thomson (1971) asserts, would be similar to arguing that an acorn is an oak tree. This statement denotes that the foetus is really not a person just as an acorn is not an oak tree. This is a true statement since arguing that a foetus is a person is a slippery-slope argument and those who oppose abortion should not depend very much on such an argument.
Nonetheless, Thomson (1971) concedes that to choose a point in the foetus’ development in which one can state beyond doubt that a person exists, which did not exist prior to this point, is very difficult. The author points out that in her viewpoint, the foetus has already become a person even before he or she is born. Nonetheless, Thomson does not think that at the time of conception, a person is present. In spite of the latter statement, she is ready to allow the premise that the foetus in the pregnant woman’s womb is a human being from the moment it is conceived for the purposes of her argument. She then outlines what she feels is the claim that some abortion opponents would derive from the aforementioned premise. As Thomson (1971) sees it, the bottom line of this claim is that the unborn child’s right to life prevails over the pregnant woman’s right to choose what takes place to and in her body.
Thomson then provided the following thought experiment in trying to reveal the faults that she thinks are present in the latter statement. This thought experiment entails the reader picturing a situation where he awakes in a bed in hospital to find out that his circulatory system has been linked up to that of an admired violinist who is unconscious. This gross abuse of one’s privacy is done for the reason that the famous violinist is having a serious kidney infection. The only suitable treatment for the condition is to connect you with the violinist because the Society of Music Lovers (SML) has found that you and the violinist both have similar uncommon blood type.
The director of the hospital then says that although the SML was wrong in kidnapping and putting you in this tricky situation, you are obliged morally to remain in this position until the time when that violinist would be able to function independently of you. If you are disconne...
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