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Political Ideology Reflection, America And Unfair Economic System

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read the material carefully, need to follow the instruction finish the test and write the essay by the question. Pay attention to font requirements and spacing.

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Political Ideology Reflection
1 I agree with the results that America has an unfair economic system, where the interest of the rich and powerful overshadow those of the rest of the people. At the same time, there is not a level playing field for all the businesses and this can be explained in the massive profits the large corporations make. Very few of the people in the population are living the American dream and thus the government needs to do more by creating opportunities to level up the playing field. It is also important that the government is checked on the rate at which it spends and utilizes the available resources (Pew Research Center, 2017). There is a lot of wastage in the government, spending trillions of dollars on projects that do not benefit the common citizen, while lining the pockets of the corporates. The amount of money for example the government spends on foreign policies is staggering, while victims of natural disasters such as hurricane Katrina are still affected many years down the line.
2 Given the results from this survey, they are agreeable as a reflection of my political orientation.
Comparing between the two, they are basically a reflection of my political orientation with very minor differences (Idealog, 2017).
3 Considering the results of the quiz, I am a liberal and side with Hilary Clinton. This is not at all surprising seeing that, the other tests also showed the same results with very minimal differences (iSideWith, 2017).
Considering the three quizzes, it is actually quite encouraging to see that there is a trend towards being liberal. This shows some significant element of consistency. The correlation of the three quizzes as such can be rated high contrary to previous views that I had. This is relative to the fact that, I did not foresee a situation where all the three would be pointing to the same orientation in political stands.
The only slight difference comes from the Idealog test, which showed that I am trending on the line between a liberal and a communitarian. However, the other tests are not different and they indicate that I am a liberal.
Other than the fact that I considered myself as a libertarian, I was not largely surprised by the results; this is relative to the fact that I already consider myself as a liberal. The only surprise came with the accuracy of the tests, as I did not expect all of them to align on the liberal orientation.
In reference to the survey and the elections, I feel that the most important elements to me are with regard to growth at the individual level, where the government takes a much more involved approach. However, this does not mean taking away the element of freedom from the people. This is to mean that, aspect such as health and wages should be given more priority than the foreign policies that the government has majored on in the past. I still strongly ...
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