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A Summary Of Three Major Religions And Their Rituals

Essay Instructions:

Choose a topic to discuss, and draw your support from at least two case examples in Bowen or in Bowen and Sered and/or in the ancillary materials on BB or your class notes.  Use at least three sources. Use Bowen as your primary source, and use the two other sources (including Sered, since there are only two cases from that book this unit) as secondary. You may also use anything from Bowen’s chaps. 13 & 14 or from Sered’s wider discussion on your topic in her chapters.

 Cite relevant page numbers in parentheses: e.g., (Bowen, 84) or (Sered, 25). If you use something from one of the BB sources, cite the author’s name and page number if there is one, or use a shortened title.

 Your paper should be at around 3-to-5 pages if double-spaced (1 ½ to 2 ½  if single spaced). Papers will be graded on content, organization, and presentation (grammar, spelling, etc.). They must be printed copies: no e-mail submissions. Due by noon on Wed., Dec. 6. (Late papers will be counted off 15%.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Religious Beliefs
Institute of Affiliation
Religious Beliefs and Practices
Religion entails a unified system of beliefs and practices that are relative to sacred things, in other words; things that are set apart and forbidden beliefs and practices that unite into a single united community (Bowen, 2010, 141). Religion changes globally, different regions of the world have different rules and beliefs that make up their religion. Masuzawa research reveals that not all religion follows the same guidelines and practices, but to some extent, similarities occur in one way or another. Furthermore, religion has their rituals which are attached to their beliefs. Some rituals, for instance, fasting, cut across all the religions while others are meant for a specific religion. Religion incorporates myths which define the way rituals are practice and why they practice. They are majorly conveyed through the supernatural stories. They are used to explain concepts and ideas and also facilitate the followers to acquire spirituality. Through religion, people can acquire peace of mind, give them hope, turn their life around and also change their point of view. Also, it can help in justifying things as well as being a motivation to some people. Rituals sometimes are used as religious events. Furthermore, many religions stipulate not only the things that should be done by individuals but also outlays boundaries that should not be crossed (Masuzawa, 2005, 7). The paper gives a summary of three major religions and their rituals.
Christian Religion
Christianity is a monotheistic religion which relies on the teachings of the Old Testament and Jesus of Nazareth. Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God and is part of the Trinity, the others being, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Christianity not only faces opposition from other religious groups but also faces stiff competition amongst Christians themselves. Christian identity regards Jewish to be the evil offspring of the Eve and the Serpent. Despite the fact that the group is not well advanced, its impact is so enormous contributing to criminal behaviors such as hate crimes and terrorism (Christian identity movement, p1).
Christians work hard in serving God in Trinity and full faith. They usually worship weekly, and throughout the year, however, the styles of worship by various denominations differ. Christians carry out prayers and worship services in churches built in a variety of shapes and styles. Also, Christians have sacred rituals for example sacraments that vary significantly among the Christian denominations. They also worship and devote to daily life through prayers and scripture reading....
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