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VPOP Energy Drink Features, Competition, Benefits, and Marketing Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Your paper should be double-spaced and follow the APA format. You may exceed this limit if you feel it is necessary without any point deduction. Your font size should be a minimum of 10 point size.
From a professional sense, your entry into global business will probably occur if and when you are involved in identifying a potential MAKE or BUY decision in a foreign market. As such, this project emulates this type of involvement that you will probably encounter some time in your career.
You will either MAKE or BUY a FICTIOUS product in a foreign country. This means ANY country OUTSIDE of the United States. You may only choose one country and one product and either a MAKE or BUY decision. You do not combine them nor prepare a comparison of the two.
To keep things simple, I would recommend that you select a product that you currently purchase at the retail level and have familiarity with. However, if you feel that you'd like to select a product for industrial use, and then ensure that you explain how the good will be used in the manufacturing process of your company.
At minimum, your paper should address the following areas:
-Executive Summary
-Product and country background
-Description of the product, its features, benefits
-Your customer demographic and where it is sold
-Reasons for foreign country selection to include why you feel either a MAKE or BUY decision is the best choice
-Entry mode selected
-Elements of the political, social, cultural, and technological environment of the foreign country
-Target market and competitor analysis
-Marketing analysis and strategies to include the four ‘P's of the marketing plan
-Organizational design of your company domestically
-Use of trade agreements and/or programs
-Intellectual Property considerations
-Potential export financing (to include examples of common documents used for international financing purposes)
-Distribution and transportation issues
-Identified risks and how you will manage/mitigate those risks (e.g. operating, transfer)
-Potential dumping issues
Here is my topic:
The product that I am going to choose for my paper is soft drink made in Vietnam. I will name the company VPOP.
To work in the production of soft drinks, the company should note: firmly grasp the structure, working principles, functional properties of the equipment in the production line of beverage. The company also needs to understand the compositions, properties, variation of main materials, auxiliary materials, beverage additives in the processing, transportation, preservation, and knowledge of real hygiene and safety.
At the same time, it is necessary to carry out the work in the profession in accordance with the technological process of production of beverages to ensure the quality and hygiene safety at the request of customers.
The new rule of Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) has been introduced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in early 2016. The new regulations are implemented in four include preventive measures, strengthen inspections, ensure food safety and strengthen partnerships.
In order to survive and develop in the long run, every business should have its own business strategy in the business strategy, the strategy of selling products is the key step in strategic business strategy. The goal of the strategy is to sell products, increase sales, increase profitability, and expand the market both domestically and internationally. The macro-level marketing strategy will help the company move in the right direction in line with the overall goal of the economy, which will serve its external activities and promote the growth of the industry as well as the economy, contributing to economic stability, social politics. Consumption strategy of enterprises helps enterprises to catch the needs of customers, thus actively dealing with all market developments to help businesses expand new markets, planning the volume of goods sales, profit margins, channel selection, and customer segments.
Here are some things that the company needs to focus:
-Identify the product to market: "Does the product meet the needs of customers?"
-Risk, cost savings to help businesses stand firm in the market.
-Product analysis and product adaptability to the market.
-Satisfy all consumer needs. Therefore, in order to effectively run the business, it is necessary for the customers' tastes to serve better and better.
-Enhance the credibility of the product.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global Business Entry
Institution of Affiliation
VPOP Energy Drink
Americans have the tendency of trying out new things, just to check if the shoe fits. Research shows that most of the Americans fancy drinking beverage over water. How surprising is that? These gurgling habits have left the door wide open for investors and beverage manufacturing corporations to claim a niche within the US economy. Gary Hemphill, the Beverage Marketing Corporation Managing Director claims that there has been a rising consumer demand for variety and healthier refreshments CITATION Zmu17 \l 1033 (Zmuda, 2017).
Executive Summary
VPOP is a beverage company aimed at engineering the market into organic beverage drinking habits. VPOP, composed mainly of frosty sugarcane juice extracts, is the most relaxing drink ever brewed in America. After a research on the individual preferences in America, most of them could prefer a drink with energy boosting properties, but that keep the sugar levels natural as compared to other energy drinks. We then opted for an alternative energy drink that could be of lesser cost, energy boosting and that could be refreshingly healthy. We then came up with VPOP CITATION Tek13 \l 1033 (Tekeshe, Odden, Coxson, & Guzman, 2013).
Objective: To provide the country with a cheap alternative to energy drinks as well as establish a healthy drinking fraternity.
Mission: To be the leading vendor of healthy energy drinks as well as ensure a healthy customer base and also make VPOP a household brand.
Keys to success
* We will be the first company to provide access to energy drinks without chemical preservatives, as there has been an increase in energy drink production.
* Americans love beverages over water, VPOP will supplement a unique type of soft drink with both refreshing and revitalizing sensation.
* We will ensure the presence of VPOP in major stores of many American major cities.
Product and Country Background
Vietnam has been in the books of history for its high rice and sugarcane production. Due to the local preference towards relaxation inducing drinks, this humid country has opted into manufacturing soft drinks and wine from rice, sugarcane, citrus, coconut and even coffee. In Vietnam, sugarcane has been raising its status as a competitive cash crop, promoting an increase in foreign agricultural investment CITATION Anh17 \l 1033 (Anh, 2017).
Product Description
VPOP is a peculiar but energizing beverage that is produced in Vietnam. Tested and proven with its soothing and cooling effects, VPOP undergoes through a series of simple processes from extraction to packaging to give it its immense sweetness, just from malted cane and citrus juice. Citrus juice addition is aimed at maintaining the sweetness balance since cane juice; the drinks main ingredient is extremely sweet.
VPOP has been a people’s favorite all through Vietnam and Indonesia. As its main ingredient is sugarcane juice, its main aim will be to reenergize and rejuvenate the body through providing enough glucose. This drink has a high mineral content such as calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese hence furthering its health benefits, by forming an alkaline environment in the stomach. The presence of citrus and other sugarcane properties themselves ensure that there is the presence of enough antioxidants in the juice. More interestingly, VPOP uses natural extracts as preservatives, compared to chemicals. Extracts from the Moringa leaf, citrus and ginger have been added into the juice ensuring no microbial activities happen and also to balance the taste CITATION Rac17 \l 1033 (Rachandran, 2017).
With VPOP comes a lot of health benefits. Firstly, VPOP is an energizer as it provides glucose for an instant boost in the energy level. It also quenches thirst as it is a source of glucose in the body, helping re-hydrate it. This drink will enter the market as a substitute to energy drinks, where most individuals would welcome the idea. Even though VPOP will have high sugar content, it will be good for patients of diabetes type-2. This is because it contains natural sugar; it has a low glycemic index which prevents a steep rise in glucose levels hence acting as a substitute to aerated drinks. It is advised that type-2 diabetics should consult with physicians first and consume it with moderation. VPOP contains sugarcane which provides an alkaline environment which will be a plus to the cancer fraternity. This drink will have cancer fighting properties that will help lessen the pain among the cancer patients. VPOP taken with ice cubes enables maintain kidney health as it boosts their protein level. This spreads through the urinary tract and reduces the burning sensation associated with urinary tract infections, kidney stones and even STIs. The antioxidants in VPOP also help to boost the body immunity and prevent the liver against infections through keeping the level of bilirubin in check. Therefore, VPOP, unlike just being an energy drink, has a myriad of benefits which could happen to be a lot.
Competitive Comparison
There is no other business that has come up with a better alternative to energy boosting beverages. VPOP has a competitive edge over its rivals as it is cheaper and with health improving properties. Prices will be competitive as there are some outlets that offer sugarcane juice but on a smaller level. VPOP will be sold straight from the supermarket or alcohol store shelves, giving it a more dominant role.
Reason for Country Selection
Since the end of the US-Vietnam conflict, a renewed international relationship which has seen trade between the two countries explode was established. Vietnam is among the new export markets as compared to import in the past decade. This country has made huge strides in enabling its international trade policies. It has portrayed the fastest growth in middle-class income and in the near future, Vietnam will be on the level of the Korean republic and Malaysia.
There has been a growth in sugarcane production within Vietnam and it is a well-known fact that this country already has a preference to sugarcane juice. Through scientific innovations and tech-savvy Vietnamese researchers, supported by the ministry of agriculture, various inventions on the manufacture and processing of raw products were exhibited. A number of empirical researches and processes were studied and a discovery was made on how sugarcane juice could be preserved.
Our company’s team in partnership with VPOP decided to incorporate ideas and VPOP malt was born. We prefer Vietnam because of its strictness to standard policies, lenient international policies to imports and exports and also its long standing relationship in matters of trade with the US.
The company will work together with VPOP so as to ensure maximum profits and at the same time quality product processing. This is with regard to the tight economic controls in Vietnam and the US. Also, VPOP is experienced in marketing its product in Vietnam, which will make us highly proactive partners CITATION Wol17 \l 1033 (Wolfe, 2017).
Economically, Vietnam has attracted large volumes of foreign direct investments (FDI) in the last decade. A number of investors have cited Vietnam’s position geographically close to global supply chains, the growing consumer market, business climate improvement through the completion of the Trans-Pacific Partnerships and its relatively economic and political stability. The political climate has been very stable and the government has reacted promptly to quell any disturbances for instance the May 2014 anti-China tension CITATION Dep14 \l 1033 (Department of State, 2014).
Marketing Analysis
Sugarcane juice has been among the off the farm beverage production due to its easy availability to the consumer. Back in Vietnam, individuals have a specific preference to this predominant juice as it provides energy boosting characteristics in an instant, especially after hunger and fatigue. Through a well conducted survey, we decided to produce a soft drink which could cater for both energy boosting and the rejuvenating effect. ...
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