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Creative Writing
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Intersectional assignment. Youth Justice: Still Streamed. Creative Writing Essay.

Essay Instructions:

I'VE highlighted the required parts of the assignment along with the reading and link.

2page and half of summary and creditibility report

infograph and poster relating to the reading..

the assignment is written in 4 different steps. step 2 and 4 are pretty much the same the written part of the assignment.

please let me know if there is anything that is not understandable..

if i can get it for wednesday for any review that would be amazing thank you so much..

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Youth Justice: Still Streamed
Institutional Affiliation:
Youth Justice: Still Streamed
Article Summary
The research article "Still Streamed: How Impact Decisions are Shaping Student's Futures" by Queiser and Araujo (2017) analyzes the effects of streaming on students' achievements, college/university enrolments, and the impact of the policy to the realization of their potential and career prospects. It critiques streaming from its perpetuation of racial and class discrimination in the student choices of either applied or academic courses, which are instrumental in accessing college/university and career opportunities. The article also covers the different factors that influence student choice of courses and decision making in the streaming process. The research concludes by offering several recommendations that the education system can adopt to ensure matching course selection with student potential and aspirations.
One of the significant effects of the streaming policy identified in the article is its promotion of racial and social discrimination in the clustering of the student in the courses. It achieves this by placing colored and low-income students in lower streams comprising applied instead of academic classes. The research interviewed students and teachers in the Weston-Mount area in Toronto to investigate how the streaming policy affects students and the structural factors that need amending to ensure equal access to post-secondary education.
One of the factors that dispute the effectiveness of the streaming policy is the young age of eighth-grade students at which students are supposed to choose their courses. This narrows their choices, limiting their changes without factoring in the socio-economic changes that occur with age. The research also established a complex plethora of factors that influence student decision-making, including values, aspirations, experiences, and peer and family influence. Another study's findings concluded that parents and students lack adequate information in the course selection leading to uninformed decisions. The study also established that the policy is inflexible and restricts students from changing their courses once chosen. Some of the recommendations for addressing streaming challenges illustrated in the article include de-streaming, flexibility, and support for students, parents' involvement, and equity-driven training for teachers and guidance counselors.
The credibility of the Report
The research article uses various strategies to establish its credibility, including peer reviews in the conduction of the study, the use of primary data, and the incorpo...
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