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My essay on abortion. Creative Writing Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

This paper is actually in the process of being revised but I need to add 2 more pages to it because for my final portfolio I have to have 10 pages with all my essays in total

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While some jurisdictions and countries have made abortion legal practice, as long as the medical doctor approves it, other countries make it an illegal act (Thomas et al., 2017). These differences lead to problems, especially in cases where a woman is denied the chance to abort, yet it would be the best choice. Abortion has been occurring for many years, and it is essential to rethink laws that do not allow it. Abortion should be legal to protect the women’s right to do whatever with their bodies.
The anti-abortion laws go against women’s rights. These laws mean that women are limited, and they cannot do what they want with their bodies, even in situations where it is the best option. Women need to choose abortion without discrimination, violence, and fear (Thomas et al., 2017). Many women’s health advocates, researchers, and professionals emphasize the need to legalize abortion so that women can access legal and safe abortion. If the practice is legal, then women would not be exposed to dangerous medical procedures. For instance, many women are forced to abort using unconventional means and tools, which exposes them to more harm. A woman could choose to abort secretly, and they might be forced to use extreme measures such as illegal or uncertified medications without medical help. Such an issue can easily arise if the person is underage, and they do not want the parents or peers to know about the pregnancy. Women deserve the right to determine what happens to their bodies (Mainey et al., 2020). Various countries have already legalized abortion if a medical practitioner agrees to the procedure. This is important since it ensures women have access to proper medical care (Berer, (2017). The anti-abortion laws expose women to more problems since they now lack access to legal and safe abortion.
Women need to have the power and authority to take control of their bodies. The body belongs to the woman, and this means that they have the final decision about what they want to do. Many women are often raped or are forced to keep a pregnancy, yet they want to abort. For instance, if a woman is poor or is raped by a relative, abortion might be the best choice for them. According to Berer (2017), abortion is legal in the UK and is supported by law. The author suggests that “ That act allows abortion on request during the first 12 weeks of pregnanc...
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