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IRLS 492: Alternative of Immigration Policy in the U.S.

Essay Instructions:

This week, you will hand in Parts 2 and 3 of the final assignment.

Part 2: Video Presentation:

In the video presentation, you will provide an analytical discussion and conclude with an actual policy recommendation (no more than 10 minutes in length). You must create a transcript of the video with scholarly references included, but you do not need to speak the references. You can use the "record video" tab on the left side in "attachments below" to upload your video presentation. Or you might think about using the Zoom meeting function in "course tools" and record yourself giving a presentation. This assignment will be a video of you - your voice, your face. Please make sure you are prepared for the technology required to complete the assignment. Practice early in the term with a mock video and then reach out to me or Classroom Support if you are having trouble.

Name the video file: YournameW8.mp4

Name the transcript of the video: YournameW8transcript.docx


Discuss the alternatives to the current policy option by enumerating and explaining each policy option in turn. You should present several policy alternatives, and they must be serious alternatives. The alternatives presented must be serious contenders that have been weighed in terms of pros and cons.

Pros and cons of each policy option should be discussed next. Identify the political, economic, and security implications for each option. Each policy option should be compared and contrasted to the other options as well as to the current policy. The analysis should seriously consider the feasibility of implementation, not only in terms of economic or strategic implications, but also in terms of political feasibility. There are always going to be some benefits and some costs to any policy proposal – there is no proposal so good that it does not have some costs associated with it. Trade-offs are the heart of the policy process.


Clearly identify which option will be recommended and which options will be discounted.

Clearly lay out the argument for why that option is better than each of the others.

Support your arguments with both quantitative and qualitative evidence from academic literature.

Part 3: Written Transcript and Executive Summary:

Written transcript: In creating the video, it is easier to write your script first and then create the video. Write as if you are preparing an analytical essay, but edit the language and tone for video presentation. Upload your transcript to the Week 8 assignment folder as a Word document. Don't forget to include the in-text references and a References List, just like a normal academic paper. (Do not speak the in-text references - just skip over them in the video. If it's important for your audience to know whose work you are citing, add something like "Stephen Walt suggests that foreign policy should ...".)

Executive summary: This component will consist of a 150-word written executive summary, which you will post in the Week 8 discussion. It is due by Week 8.

The executive summary should include the following information:

A statement of current policy;

Reasons for initiation changes;

Policy options to be considered; and

Recommended course of action.

Be prepared to defend your reasoning for the new policy in the Week 8 discussion, including pros and cons of the alternatives.

Note: Adapted from Boston University Arts & Sciences Policy Paper Guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Alternative of Immigration Policy in the U.S.
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
A Statement of Current Policy
The United States of America is one of the countries in the world with a vibrant immigration policy all over the world. The American immigration policy has attracted both hate and love in equal measure. The legal provision that governs the current immigration policy is known as the Immigration and National Act (INA). INA legally provides for the American Government to give up to 675,000 permanent immigrant visas annually across the different visa types. Every year the United States government admits different noncitizens on temporary grounds (Orchowski, 2015).
The present immigration policy emphasizes kinship relationships between U.S immigrants and U.S citizens in the rationing of immigration visa (Bretelle & Holifield, 2014). A substitute policy should center on the educational backgrounds of immigrant application, employment qualifications, and those with specific training. Immigrants with better training, better education, and employment qualifications that can readily be transferred to the United States labor market, and would be of more value in terms of productivity and would earn better. This is because most immigrants earn poorly compared to Native Americans. This would reduce income disparities and reduce transfers of income by the less skilled Native Americans. If the immigrants are skilled, it will reduce the use of income-contingent transfers. They will pay their school fees, attain better education and compete well for better paying jobs. The adoption of skill-based rationing will result in an increase in the immigrant’s education levels.
Allowing immigrants that are skilled and trained in certain fields, would be better than admitting unemployed migrants (Capps & McCabe, 2012). This is because, they would work, pay taxes, and contribute to the nation-building of the country. On the other side, the immigration department can allow immigrants that have gotten university and college admissions in American Universities instead of the unemployed folks. When such immigrants come, they will be of greater benefit since they would pay for tuition and residency which are ways that the country uses to cater to the migrants and pay taxes. When they finish their university degrees they can seek jobs or become self-employed to ease the government’s dependency burden, and help in the nation building of the nation. Either of the aforementioned two options of people would be better in the USA than just unemployed and unskilled people coming to settle in the country and consuming the country’s resources without any input from them.
In the U.S the undocumented young adults and children under the age of 24 years total to around 3.2 million (, 2012) Next, approximately 1.49 million young adults and youths (or 13 percent of the undocumented migrants that totals 13 percent are old enough to request for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) (, 2012). In 2010, the amount of money paid by undocumented immigrants into the social security system totaled to $13 billion, but only got benefits worth $1 billion, contributing a cash flow of $12 billion (, 2013). The amount of money that undocumented persons pay to the state and Federal...
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