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Design for Change and Design Thinking

Essay Instructions:

write a 1-2 page thoughtful response, see attached requirement.

Design for Change

Look up “Design for Change (Links to an external site.)” and begin to read and study it. Your attention should be focused on how this simple inspiration became a set of workable ideas that has had a significant impact in many diverse communities.

Explore FIDS: Scroll down to How We Are Doing It: Feel—Imagine—Do—Share. This is the guts of the program. It takes you step-by-step through the innovative process. Get a feel for how it works and watch the video Design for Change: A Champion of Learning Through Play.  You may also wish to explore the Our Story section where you can hear more from Design for Change's founder Kiran Bir Sethi.

Notice how the process is similar to the four questions in The Field Book. (You will find such similarities among the various types of design thinking.) Note that each component in FIDS has several sub-components.

Explore I Can Stories: Begin with “Caste Discrimination (Links to an external site.).” Then view 3 "I can" stories (Links to an external site.) of your choice. Think about them: In what way did “Feeling” shape the project? Did they imagine enough or too little? Did their “doing” make a difference? And ask your own questions.

Respond: Finally, write a 1-2 page thoughtful response. What have you learned about design thinking? What works well? How do you transform an idea into reality for this specific course? How do you come to understand what people really need? How do you deal with failure? What will you carry away from these case studies?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Response: Design for Change
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Design thinking is the basis of societal transformation. The videos opened up my thought on transformational ideas. Indeed, it is amazing how an idea can be conceived through a mere feel and imagination. Every member of society is obligated to spot societal transformational gaps and initiate a change process. The video Design for Change: A Champion of Learning Through Play made me realize how children cannot be underestimated or ignored. They are born champions because they overcome all odds to crawl, sit, walk and even speak (Design for Change, 2015). In the same way, a great idea is conceived through feeling the effects of a certain uncomfortable scenario like potholes on the roads and imagining what can be done to overturn the situation. Therefore, transforming an idea into a reality has four crucial steps: feeling, imagining, d...
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