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Development Management Process, Methodology, or Model that could be Utilized to Implement

Essay Instructions:

This is a group assignment, and I am not responsible for the entire instructions:

In Phase 2, your team will work together to develop a detailed description and implementation plan for the innovation you selected to pursue in Topic 3. Each team member must research and describe a product development or management process, methodology, or model that could be utilized to implement the innovation. The group should select and use one of these models for developing its own implementation plan.

For this assignment, write a paper of 2,000-3,000 words that addresses the following:

Finalize the name and include a one- or two-sentence description of the innovation.

Describe the value the new product or service will provide to customers and describe the need it will meet.

Utilizing the model selected by the team, create the detailed implementation plan for the innovation. Make sure the plan accounts for contingencies/risks in the implementation process and includes realistic timeframe and budgeting considerations.

Use graphics such as organizational charts, process maps, and/or budget tables as appropriate to increase the readability and professional appeal of the plan.

Include in-text citations from at least six secondary sources. Each person on the team must contribute an article from the research that was completed on product development or management processes, methodologies, and/or models.

I have attached the paper you wrote for me a couple weeks ago regarding the invention we are using. An app on your phone to help out with new structures or remodeling a structure.

The leader would like each one of us to: Would everyone research a product development or management process, methodology, or model that could be utilized to implement our chosen innovation app and post it here in the forum in whatever format you see fit. Please also Include a reference with your suggestion. We will need to vote for one so can everyone try to post these as soon as possible?

In your contributions would you guys also include an idea for the name of the App as we need to finalize it. We will also need to describe the value it will provide to customers, describe the needs it will meet, and include a detailed implementation plan for the app including the risks, timeframe, budgeting ect...

Let me know if you need anything else.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing the Implementation Plan
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Developing the Implementation Plan
Research a product development management process, methodology, or model that could be utilized to implement our chosen innovation app and post it here in the forum in whatever format you see fit.
While looking to implement a project or plan of this magnitude, the changing landscape must be factored in. This statement means that there is a need to employ a method that will allow for the continual elevation of the initial idea. The typical project plan implementation process involves developing an idea, the design of the idea, the development or production phase, and then the implementation phase. Such a process is structured, meaning that it goes from one step to the next. The processes or phases are clearly outlined and happen one after the other. However, the model or methodology being proposed here is known as the agile model or approach. With this approach, no phase is absolute. Every phase is subject to change and will be subjected to a change process if needed arises. For example, if the proposed idea is found wanting, the proposed idea could be enhanced and changes made. In their study, Wijaya ad Prabowo (2019) consider the agile implementation method reactive, which means that it changes with the changing circumstances and issues that arise on a project. Such an approach is ideal for the construction application because of the magnitude of the project.
The advantage of using the agile process of implementation lies in its flexibility. The project at hand is quite complex and involves many modules that could continually increase its complexity. The essence of this innovation idea lies in its ability to turn every person into an architect. One can design a house plan, a floor plan, and their backyard shed. Further, it allows every user to pick out colors, windows and try out different identities of interior décor. The app is gifting all users the ability to own their house designs and personalize their space. Such an application is quite complex, especially considering that different professionals are needed to actualize such a plan in real life. To capture the professionalism of these professionals through an application will take much time. There can never be one correct version that exemplifies or embodies the millions of professionals' ideas. Therefore, the employment of an agile project implementation plan will help ensure that the application is continuously being updated. E...
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