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Family and Gender Roles: How attitudes are changing

Essay Instructions:

Below are the 10 "Substance Areas" of the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR), a professional organization whose mission it is to "To provide an educational discussion for family researchers, educators, and practitioners to share in the development and dissemination of knowledge about families and family relationships, establish professional standards, and work to promote family well-being".

During the eight weeks of this senior seminar students will, with the guidance of their instructor, select and conduct a review of peer reviewed research literature related to the 10 substance areas (Note: All articles must be retrieved from the APUS online library). The phrase "peer reviewed" means that a publication contains articles reviewed and deemed academically sound and scientifically rigorous by the author's peers in the field. Sources such as blogs, personal websites, popular magazines, newspapers, or any of the Wikis that are out there are NOT acceptable.

Students will select, from the larger body of child and family development literature, two peer reviewed research journal articles per substance area and review, summarize, and critique them in one paper per area. The critiques should describe the research method and results, as well as implications for future research. Each article review should be between 1 and 1½ pages – double-spaced, equating to 2-3 pages per substance area. The format for this assignment should be:

Substance Area Name

Research article 1 (include the title of the article

Critique of 1-1 1/2 pages (your review should begin at the one inch margin)

Research article 2 (include the title of the article)

Critique of 1-1 1/2 pages (your review should begin at the one inch margin)

Use this format for each of your Substance Areas. The text for each review must start at the 1 inch margin on the left-hand side of your paper.

These must be submitted in the order listed below. Do NOT submit these as separate files. All five content areas are to be submitted as one file.

Be sure to review the rubric provided for you in the assignment area to make certain that you are covering all the requirements.



e.g., Structures & Functions; Cultural Variations; Dating, Courtship, Marital Choice; Kinship; Cross-Cultural and Minority Families; Changing Gender Roles; Demographic Trends;

Historical Issues; Work-Family Relationships; Societal Relations


e.g., Internal Social Processes; Communication; Conflict Management; Normal Family Stresses; Family Crises; Special Needs in Families.


e.g., Prenatal; Infancy; Early and Middle Childhood; Adolescence; Adulthood; Aging.


e.g., Reproductive Physiology; Biological Determinants; Aspects of Sexual Involvement; Sexual Behaviors; Sexual Values and Decision-Making; Family Planning;

Sexual Response; Sexual Dysfunction; Influence on Relationships


e.g., Self and Others; Communication Skills; Intimacy, Love, Romance; Relating to Others.


e.g., Goal Setting and Decision-Making; Development and Allocation of Resources; Social Environment Influences; Life Cycle and Family Structure Influences; Consumer Issues and Decisions.


e.g., Parenting Rights and Responsibilities; Parenting Practices/Processes; Parent/Child Relationships; Variation in Parenting Solutions; Changing Parenting Roles Over the Life Cycle.


e.g., Family and the Law; Family and Social Services; Family and Education;

Family and the Economy; Family and Religion; Policy and the Family.


e.g., Formation of Values; Diversity of Values in Pluralistic Society; Examining Ideologies; Social Consequences of Value Choices; Ethics and Technological Changes; Ethics of Professional Practice

e.g., Planning and Implementing; Evaluation; Education Techniques; Sensitivity to Others; Sensitivity to Community Concern.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Name:
Subject and Section:
Professor’s Name:
Date Submitted:
Families and Individuals in Societal Contexts
Family and Gender Roles: How attitudes are changing
The research focuses on two issues namely, the varying attitudes towards morality, marriage, and motherhood of different nations, and the evolution of gender roles, especially in the family. The hypotheses presented in the article are the change of the concept of a “normal family” from a traditional to a modern one. The concepts of marriage, motherhood, and sex among the different countries and generations were assessed and the results revealed that the more modern generations are less in favor of the traditional concepts. I agree with the results of the research that there is a continuous change happening to the previously considered norms and this research had scientifically presented it in a manner highlighting the relevant data that will represent the trend in families and roles nowadays.
Social Media and Marital Choices: It’s implications on contemporary marriage
The author discusses the effect of social media on the concept of marital choice. Some of the applications are Yahoo Messenger, Telegram, and Zoom. The use of these applications and the kind of marital choices were assessed. The results reveal that social media is essential but the consumption depends on the choices of those involved, including how it will be used and the effects it will have on a marriage. The author also concluded that the church plays a role in educating couples to exercise moderation and prevent the negative consequences. I agree with the conclusion especially with the in-depth discussion and research used on the concepts involved, but I believe there can be improvements on the proposed mediation of the church as there are also other factors that may help in the issues of social media in modern marriages.
Internal Dynamics of Families
The impact of substance use disorders on families and children
The effects of substance use disorder (SUD) on the internal dynamics of the family are discussed in the research study. Different scientific theories such as the attachment theory, and the family systems theory are included in the study. According to the study, an assessment of the developmental stage of families aid in determining the intervention that will address the identified impairments. SUD is found to affect the family’s overall behavioral and emotional patterns which also harm the children. The study reveals that early intervention done by specialists will produce better outcomes for all the family members. I find the research holistic in terms of considering the welfare of the whole family, and I agree with the recognition of specialists in terms of managing the SUD since these individuals are often misunderstood by society and will require help from someone knowledgeable to address issues.
Argumentative strategies for conflict management and resolution in Italian and Swiss families
The research applies qualitative analysis to the communication practices of Italian and Swiss families. The method used to gather data is by video recording dinner conversations of the families. The result reveals that the Swiss family gives more explanation and reasons as to why their opinion is the way it is, in comparison to the Italians that argue by not engaging in a discussion but rather abruptly convincing the other family member with their views. A dominant strategy seen in both Swiss and Italian families is the recognition of a parent’s authority where it is used to encourage the set regulations and prohibitions. I find the research information as well as a ground for more research to be done that is more fitting to the practices and beliefs of modern families since the study somehow presents a traditional family setting.
Human Growth & Development Across the Lifespan
Adolescent development
The article is a clinical review that discusses the growth and development of adolescents during this phase in their lives. The author includes the psychological, physical, and social changes that adolescents undergo that also affect the communication, management, and disease presentation of these young adults. The research reveals that this is a developmental stage that changes the different aspects such as the cognitive, sexual, and emotional capacities that will aid in forming their identity that they will carry on throughout life. The presentation of the author does not only focus on the medical aspect of medical practitioners treating adolescents but also the specialized communication skills that are needed to promote engagement and cooperation from the adolescents while also respecting their privacy.
Measuring anxiety about aging across the adult lifespan
The focus of this research is attitudes attributed to aging and the instruments used to measure it. The Anxiety about Aging Scale (AAS) is explored in the study. Factors such as fear of losses, psychological concerns, changes in appearance, and fear of old people are considered and are analyzed depending on the ...
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