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Analyzing Wiki and its Importance to Organization. ITM WEEK 3 SLP

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is different from the previous ones. This time, you're going to create your own web content. For this assignment, you are to try to create your own wiki and focus on discovering and understanding benefits of this contemporary content delivery tool.

This reading will give you some ideas of the use of wikis within organizations:

Grace, P. L. (2009). Wikis as a knowledge management tool. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(4), 64-74. Retrieved fromhttp://lpis(dot)csd(dot)auth(dot)gr/mtpx/km/material/JKM-13-4b.pdf

One popular site that allows you to create your own personal wiki is: http://pbwiki(dot)com/. Other similar sites are listed here:http://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/Comparison_of_wiki_software 

If for some reason you cannot create your own wiki,  you can also look for existing wiki sites for evaluation. Here you have a nice list of them: http://lists(dot)econsultant(dot)com/top-best-wikis-websites.html

Then write a 2-3 page paper, structured as follows (use these headings):

  • What is a wiki and how can be useful for an organization?
  • Select ONE of the products that allows you to create a wiki and describe it in detail.
  • Identify ONE organizational goal that would be supported by this wiki.
  • What features would you offer in the wiki to support that organizational goal? 
  • How this is related to the learning objectives of this module?

 SLP assignment expectations:

Your assignment will be graded following these expectations:

-          Precision: the questions asked are answered.

-          Clarity:  Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.

-          Breadth and depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

-          Applicability: once you complete the practical exercise, such as the visit to a web site or program testing, you correctly relate it to the theoretical concepts and the learning objectives of the module.

-          Your paper is well written and the references are properly cited and listed (refer to TUI guidelines http://www(dot)trident(dot)edu/files/Well-Written-Paper.pdf)

-          Your paper meets the page requirements not counting the cover page or the references pages.

When your paper is done, send it in.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing Wiki and its Importance to Organization
Name (Student's Name)
Institution (Affiliation)
What is wiki and how can it be useful for an organization?
Wiki refers to an expandable collection of interrelated webpages to develop a hypertext system that facilitates storing and modification of the information by its users. Other scholars such as Weiss, (2009)define it asa collaborative space that allows users to crosslink knowledge and modification of the already placed information. Wiki uses an open model that facilitates sharing of information and ideas between and among groups in an organization. It enhances the performance of an organization by enabling the employees share a common goal of ensuring organizational performance. This includes enabling them to manage their technology, culture, and knowledge by facilitating open communication in the organization, hence, its performance(Collins, 2010).
Select one of the products used for creating wiki and describe it in detail
One of the products used for designing a wiki is the Microsoft Office 365. This is a commercial cloud based product used for building online libraries used for collaboration, connecting communities, and extending resources. SharePoint online enables one to develop wiki pages for the intranet, content management system, and external for collaboration and content sharing. Through this product, community members share available installs for their devices, including their mobiles, Macs, and personal computers. It also provides users with a platform of knowledge sharing where they help themselves solve problems related to their devices. Consequently, it brings together people from different backgrounds on the same platform(Collins, 2010).
Identify one organizational goal that would be supported by the wiki
One of the organizational goals made possible with use of wiki is promoting and strengthening organizational culture. It strengthens organizational culture by ensuring that employee and other stakeholders within the organization share common values, working language, habits, beliefs, systems, symbols, vision, and norms. The shared culture influen...
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