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Understanding Valuing and Managing Diversity

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: To reflect on our own understanding of diversity.

Resources: This essay is a reflection exercise.

Activity Instructions:

After reading chapter 5 of the textbook, complete this activity. You have learned about the skill of understanding and managing diversity – what it is, why it is important, and how to improve your skill in these areas.

Answer the questions below in comprehensive, complete sentences. Do not provide brief answers. Instead, compose at least 4-5 full sentences (i.e., a complete paragraph) that answer each of the posed thought-provoking discussions.

Please remember that your task is to not only write your own assessment, but to show that you are able to draw connections between your readings and your reflection. Use concepts and theories from the appropriate chapters, explain your understanding of their application, and show how they help you understand yourself. Remember to cite properly in-text (Author, YEAR) and at the end of your reflection with a fully formatted APA reference.

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Student’s Name
Understanding Diversity Assignment
1 Explain the difference between valuing and managing diversity and provide examples from professional experiences for each. Your examples should be novel (do not use what is written in the book). Show how communication affects this process.
Valuing diversity mainly entails knowing and acknowledging the importance of diversity without necessarily acting on such knowledge (Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider, 2019). On the other hand, managing diversity is knowing the importance of diversity and nurturing it to tap into the same benefits. For example, valuing diversity would entail having a company’s vision to promote diversity without instituting necessary steps to actualize the same. Managing diversity would entail finding people with different approaches to developing something and working out a way to develop the same together. Communication affects this process by making it clear what one considers crucial between managing and valuing diversity.
2 Using a variety of concepts that were introduced in your chapter, identify, define and explain the one or two areas regarding understanding or managing diversity in which you are the strongest. Show how communication affects this process through specific examples.
I believe that I am strongest in building relationships with diverse others. I like to learn about different cultures and people. Also, I try to watch how my own prejudices, biases, and stereotypes impact communication with different people. I know that it is easy to fall into the temptation of boxing people or to see them a certain way because of who they are or where they come from. Communication affects both because it showcases how one treats or behaves while with other people. For example, if I treat someone in a way that suggests I am aware of where they come from, it will be clear for them to know that I am stereotyping them.
3 Using a variety of concepts that were introduced in your chapter, identify, define and explain the one or two areas of understanding or managing diversity in which you need more improvement. Examine specific communication opportunities that could help you improve your intercultural communication competence.
I believe that minimizing miscommunication with diverse others needs some improvement. Even though I like talking to people from other cultures, my knowledge of other cultures is wanting. Specific communication opportunities that can help improve my intercultural communication competence include being inquisitive while respectful. I need to ask more questions from the point of seeking information. Also, I need to spend more time reading and actualizing what I learn through discussions and more questions.
4 If you did not change or improve your intercultural communication competence, discuss how it would affect your personal and professional life. Use specific experiences/examples to show the implications.
My personal and professional life would be one-sided because I would only be interacting with peop...
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