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Media Relations Plan for Not-for-Profit Organization

Essay Instructions:

Assessment #1: Media relations plan (1,500 words)
This individual assessment task requires you to write a media relations plan for an Australian not-for-profit organisation. Your plan, written for the Board of Directors / CEO of your not-for-profit organisation, must convince Management that you can design and deliver an impactful media relations campaign in a professional and timely manner, across appropriate platforms.
The not-for profit organisation I choose is
Camp Quality-https://probonoaustralia(dot)com(dot)au/directory/camp-quality
Please use Camp Quality as I chose to write this assignment
And please read the rubric before start and here are also media plan sample in the file.
Recommended approach to this task:
Research Australian not-for profit organisations.
Choose a not-for-profit organisation that aligns with your interests.
Through the process of research, identify the organisational goals and business objectives.
Through the process of research, identify the issues (past, present and future) your organisation has faced or potentially might face. For instance, the database Factiva can be used to locate all news stories on a particular organisation and is a great source of independent information. Likewise, Annual Reports are an excellent source of information on a corporation’s values, operations and finances. Primary research in the form of a small-scale survey or focus groups can also be conducted with classmates and the public in order to test message strategies or understand public perceptions of a particular product or company. More information on these research methods will be provided in class.
Choose an issue to address.
Imagine you are the Public Relations Manager. Now explain the media relations approach to address one of the issues you have identified.
Following the standard template supplied, write a media relations plan based on the findings of your research that identifies and strategically aligns with the organisations' business plan and strategic communications objectives.
Format: Please note this is a presentation to senior executives so it needs to follow the expected format and clearly and succinctly articulate the issue the organisation is addressing, what your key messages are and what your strategic approach will be.
Media Relations Plan – Template
Your media relations plan should follow the below template.
1.Overview – introduction to your NFP and the communications ‘issue’
2.Media relations objectives
3.Key messages
4.Target audience
5.Media materials required (earned media only)
6.Media strategy
N.B. Your media strategy should be divided into phases. In each phase you should consider the date, angle, materials to be disseminated (e.g. pitch, media release), spokespeople to be offered and example media targets.
7.Methods of evaluation

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media Relations Plan.
InstitutionCourse code:
Media Relations Plan
An NGO is an independent institution that can operate without the control or interference of the government. Camp Quality is one of those institutions founded by Vera Entwistle in 1983. The organization's name was sourced from the idea that no individual can survive without the quality of life. Between its founding in 1983 and 2014, the rate of childhood cancer has increased by 35%. The number is expected to increase by 7% over the next 20 years; therefore, Camp Quality needs to offer support programs for the children and their families. This media relations plan will introduce Camp Quality, its missions, goals, and future achievements to a new audience across the globe.
Mission / Objective
Camp Quality believes that every Australian child should have the opportunity to thrive, especially those impacted with cancer. It intends to provide innovative programs and services geared towards developing life skills and improving the wellbeing of children between the age of 0-15. Camp Quality is also heavily invested in the families of the children so that they can cultivate an environment with a sense of hope and togetherness. Therefore, the institution aims to support children affected by cancer n a personal level or a diagnosis of someone they love, such as a sibling or parent.
Goals and Target Audience
The goal for Camp Quality is to help children deal with the cancer experiences, which place enormous physical, emotional, and financial stress on families. Children's wellbeing will be taken care of free of charge to help in lessening the burden. Also, support will be offered through every stage of treatment, remission, and grief. Family support is provided through the institution's extensive staff of Family Liaison Coordinators. They are tasked with visiting the kids in hospitals and homes every week around the country.
Consequently, they help introduce families to the services and programs offered by Camp Quality. It also relies on Puppets, Kylie, Mel, and Dean, who makes time to visit children at home and hospitals. They help the children cope with anxiety by making them laugh and forgetting about their problems for a while.
Camp Quality prioritizes the peace of mind of the children and parents; therefore, it employs therapists. The therapists aim to transform the terrifying experiences that are present in the journey with cancer. Child Life Therapists aim to inspire and empower the children to be the best versions of themselves. They provide the children with life skills that help them cope with the daunting procedure and treatment they will experience. For instance, the skills can mean the difference between a child needing restraint or anesthesia during a process and a child handling the procedures awake. Another strategy is using camps that seek to drive families and patients away from the treatment world. There is an opportunity to network at the headquarters, make new friends, and have fun days out from hospital settings. The goal is to provide safe spaces for children and their families during treatment and when the situation is overwhelming.
Funding is the main issue that can affect the operations of a non-profit organization such as Camp Quality. Non-profit organizations struggle to change pre-existing patterns and finding new avenues and sources of funding CITATION All20 \l 1033 (Care, 2020). Camp Quality does not rely on government funding; rather, it depends on the generosity of its members and well-wishers. This avenue of resource collection is fragile and unpredictable because it is dependent on many variables. For instance, an economic downturn can affect family incomes, reducing individual donations to institutions such as Camp Quality. Also, uninspired partners can impact heavy dependency on grants, consequently making it difficult to ensure compliance across the board.
Ethical dilemmas are bound to arise, given the nature of Camp Quality's operations. The NGO is involved with children who are affected by the terminal issue of cancer. Therefore, the institution has a Code of Conduct that applies to the employees, volunteers, and individuals who associate with Camp Quality and its events. The code of conduct is focused mainly on ensuring child safety by offering adequate supervision. Representatives of Camp Quality are vigilant against avenues where children can be taken adv...
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