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Theoretical and Practical Understandings of Crisis Communication

Essay Instructions:

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(please read the Instructions for Essay 2_2022 first before starting, all sources of this assignment are in the file.)(please use the sources in the file to complete the assignment.)
Read the instructions below and apply your theoretical and practical understandings of crisis communication, and in particular here conflict resolution, to the analysis of the attached case. Answer the following points/questions in turn.
Instructions for Essay 2 Download Instructions for Essay 2
Use the news sources material about this case below (and please restrict yourself to those sources, aside from maybe viewing the incident on video in the link):
Car & Driver - Everything You Need To Know Download Car & Driver - Everything You Need To Know
Reuters - VW Scandal Report Download Reuters - VW Scandal Report
CNBC - VW Crisis News Analysis Download CNBC - VW Crisis News Analysis
Reuters - Follow-Up: CEO Resigns Download Reuters - Follow-Up: CEO Resigns
VW - Media Statement
Your answers will be evaluated on:
Understanding of key concepts
Application of knowledge to the analysis of case
Incorporation of key questions/elements of the problem into a discussion
Presentation of sound conclusions
Structure and organisation

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crisis Communication: The Case of the Volkswagen Scandal
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Question One
Conflicts are inevitable, especially when individuals and groups with differing views converge. Organizations encounter conflicts (both external and internal) that affect their relationships with various stakeholders (Spence, 2008). Therefore, there is a need for efficient and effective conflict management and resolution strategy to resolve and contain the impacts of the organization's actions. Conflict resolution and management are handled by an entity's public relations (PR) department. There is no specific formula for public relations. However, there exist several contingencies or plans for managing public relations issues. Therefore, based on the specific circumstances of the crisis or conflict, one can select a plan that best addresses the concern at hand. According to the strategic contingency theory of public management, the response plan or the stance adopted by the PR can either be pure accommodation or pure advocacy (Cameron et al., 2012).
The latter entails defending the company at all costs by meeting its needs or those of stakeholders at the expense of other groups (the general public). The former strategy meets the needs and demands of the general public at the firm's cost. After understanding the issue (conflict) in play, the PR utilizes the classical tools of conflict management, analysis, and resolution (Plowman 2009; 1998). They comprise position, interest, and PIN. The last element argues that there exist basic universal needs and that individuals will create certain positions and pursue interests that best suit them. Needs entail the objectives pursued by an organization or individual for survival. A position is a stance taken by a conflicting party. It is always in line with the needs, while the interest is all that is required to obtain the conflicting party's needs.
In the case of the Volkswagen conflict, the stakeholders affected were the consumers, regulators (the United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA)), employees, investors, policymakers, and the Non-Governmental Organizations affiliated with the company. EPA's main concern was the amount of Nitrogen Oxide emissions produced by vehicles from the VW Company. After a series of analyses and assessments, EPA concluded that the VW Group had used a defective device (between 2009 and 2015) to cheat in the emission testing as the actual emissions were 40 times higher than the federal limits. Hence, the company was violating the Clean Air Act. To preserve its reputation (need), VW at first attempted to deny the allegations (position) by providing alternative explanations (interest) for testing outcomes.
Therefore, the crisis analysis and resolution strategy employed by the company was advocacy. The firm aimed to meet its needs at the expense of other conflicting parties. However, after the crisis was made public, and the scandal became worldwide. The public pressure, especially from the social media platforms, and the company's stance shifted. The entity admitted to having used deception in the emission testing and apologized. Other solutions to repair the damage were also put in place.
Question Two
A crisis is harmful and can pollute, threaten, or destroy an individual or organization's positive standing and position in society. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately respond to the crisis transparently and as soon as possible. The response strategy entails purposeful steps or actions taken to reduce the negative impacts posed to the organization and various stakeholders involved. Coombs (2010) explains multiple crisis response strategies employed depending on the crisis type. They include the deny posture (aims to disconnect the relationship between the corporation and the crisis), diminish (lessen the relationship between the crisis and the company), and rebuild response strategies (apologize to the victims and take responsibility). He also explained the bolstering crisis response strategy, which entails boosting an organization's reputation by informing stakeholders about the company's previous good performance (Coombs & Laufer, 2018).
The root cause of the VW crisis was the deliberate act of attempting to show the environmental friendliness of its cars during the emission tests. The action was contrary to the actual emissions after selling the cars (Painter...
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