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Online, Offline, and Blended University Learning

Essay Instructions:

Answer one of the questions below in a 2000 word academic essay.

1. A number of Digital Cultures theorists have identified broad trends in changing relationships of power in contemporary society. Compare and contrast Deleuze’s ‘Society of Control’, Haraway’s ‘Informatics of Domination’ and Wark’s ‘Vectoral World’ with reference to the mediation of databases.

2. In what ways are smart watches extensions of man (sic) in McLuhan's terms? What changes of scale, pace and pattern are introduced by them? How do they restructure human experience, activities and associations? Drawing on literature on mobile and wearable media, evaluate the contemporary relevance and adequacy of McLuhan's concepts and approach.

3. Perform a Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) analysis of drones. Who have been the relevant social groups? What problems have these groups identified? Discuss the processes of closures and openings through this history.

4. Compare the economic, social and cultural power of Facebook/Meta with that of News Corp using Wark’s concept of the vectoral class and Zuboff's concept of surveillance capitalism.

5. Analyse online, offline and blended University learning in terms of space, place and software, with reference to Zoom and Canvas. How do these media affect the lived experience of education?

6. Trace the programs and anti-programs, in Actor Network Theory terminology, in relation to COVID-19? What forms of translation are in play? What are the human and non-human actors involved? ​What contribution does ANT offer to understanding these phenomena?

7. Compare and contrast petrol/diesel and electric cars in terms of assemblages and machines (Guattari). In which ways are these autopoietic?

8. What should be the ‘essence’ of Spotify as a modern technology, according to Heidegger's account in the essay 'The question concerning technology'? Assess the usefulness and limitations of Heidegger’s thought on technology. Is there a saving power closest to the danger?

9. Analyse ​TikTok, Instagram Stories and/or Snapchat as 'ephemeral content' that remediate time and space.

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Online, Offline and Blended University
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Online, Offline, and Blended University
In the modern world, everything is rapidly advancing in digitalization and network-based communication, which is also true for the education section. The learning model is globally undergoing revolutionary change, especially after the coronavirus outbreak. According to Nortvig (2018), in the past, the traditional mode of learning (offline learning) was the major mode of learning in most universities. People would travel from different countries and continents to get to a given university. However, today, most universities have incorporated the use of online studies into most of their programs. A significant percentage of universities also have a blended system of learning that enables students to have both offline and online learning (Eryani & Mulyanti, 2021). With reference to Zoom and Canvas, the paper will analyze online, offline, and blended university learning in terms of space, place, and software. The paper will also discuss how the media affect the lived experience of education.
Analysis of online, offline, and blended universities
 First, offline learning is a traditional way of learning that involves students physically attending classes. A tutor is also required to be in class, and the exams are done in class, supervised by the lecturer. This form of learning does not demand learners to use Zoom and Canvas in their learning. There is better student-teacher interaction in offline learning because individuals are physically present in the same room. Additionally, no additional resources are needed, like having an electronic gadget like a phone or tablet or even extra resources for internet connectivity (Nortvig, 2018). However, when using offline studies at a university, a lot of time is wasted commuting from home to school. When a thousand students have to fit into the same place, there are many resources in terms of classrooms and libraries that have to be constructed. In offline learning, a student cannot attend class from the comfort of their home or even at any time they deem appropriate. Additionally, although one will not incur the cost of buying an electronic gadget that enables learning, it is a costly mode of study. This form of learning space is required because individuals are physically needed to be in school.
Secondly, an online learning university is an institution where learning is done on an online platform. As a result, zoom and canvas are used as the major forms of learning. Individuals can communicate with one another via an online platform. Also, the student and the tutor are able to interact when they sign in to a Zoom meeting (Nortvig, 2018). Additionally, the Zoom meeting can be recorded to enable the student to relearn a concept they did not understand the first instant. As a result, there is an interaction between students, their classmates, and their tutors. Although students cannot physically interact, they can share ideas and opinions using zoom software.
Additionally, a canvas is a vital tool for online studies because it contains notes, assignments, and even recorded classes for the student. Through the use of a canvas, the students get to learn about their timetable, the assignments and quizzes, and when they are due. Additionally, students can take their exams from any place through the use of a canvas. In an online university, data on how one performs in a given course is also given on the canvas. As a result, the canvas is an essential tool for online university students. Furthermore, for online university students, Canvas is used as a course management system that enables the professor to send important information to students about the course globally. Despite a student's location, the canvas has a centralized email, a chat room, and discussion boards that enable students to communicate with each other and keep in touch with the instructor. It also provides a password-protected online class, allowing students to submit their exams and have the professors grade their work.
Furthermore, online universities come with a lot of advantages in terms of place and time (Eryani & Mulyanti, 2021). This form of learning does not limit an individual from learning because of their location. Students on different continents can access the same class and interact through online universities. Thus, students are not required to be physically present at a given place to learn. Students from different classes, religions, and even social backgrounds are put into various groups that allow them to discuss matters virtually. Additionally, through the discussion board in the canvas, students get to read each other's thoughts and input on matters, and this helps students grow and develop good relations.
Additionally, time is not a variable that limits students' learning in online universities. In a canvas, various lectures taught are recorded, and this allows the student to easily access the information they want at any time of the day (Nortvig, 2018). Additionally, individuals are able to do and submit the assignment at any given place at any given time. Thus, the student is always learning, and this creates better grades. Also, through the software used in online learning, a student's weaknesses in different areas can be analyzed and solved.
The third is the blended university, which incorporates both online and offline learning. According to Nortvig (2018), blended learning was first introduced as a way of helping workers to continue studying as they work. Today, most universities blend both online and offline learning to allow international students to study from anywhere, despite distance and time. Nortvig (2018) portrays that blended learning has a high student satisfaction rate, higher faculty satisfaction, and higher learning effectiveness compared to offline learning and online learning (Eryani & Mulyanti, 2021). Through blended learning, learners are involved in the integration of both face-to-face learning and online te...
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