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Communication Styles and How They are Used and Applied in Workplace

Essay Instructions:

There are different communication styles. In your paper, address the following:

A. Describe three styles of communication.

B. How are communication styles used and applied in the workplace?

C. Reflect on a work experience/issue where communication impacted the team.

D. What were the outcomes of the situation?

Your paper should be 2-3 pages (plus a title page and reference page) and conform to APA guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Styles
Institutional Affiliation
Communication Styles
Communication styles are unique to individuals and are essential in determining how a message being passed is perceived and understood by the recipient. These styles form a major part of the interaction between individuals and hence can aid in the development and maintenance of relationships and handling of conflicts (Ladegaard & Jenks, 2018). Consequently, for someone to communicate effectively, they require a sense of self-awareness that allows them to understand their style and how they can adjust to meet the needs of different situations (Ladegaard & Jenks, 2018). There are three basic communication styles which include passive, aggressive, and assertive communication, each with its own unique characteristics. Therefore, the different communication styles affect how individuals exchange information and relate in different environments.
Firstly, passive communication refers to the style where individuals avoid any instances of confrontation by avoiding expressing their feelings and opinions. This type of indifferent behavior mostly allows the other party to express themselves without fear (Nguyen et al., 2019). As a result, the most salient characteristics of this communication style include the lack of eye contact and poor body posture. On the other hand, the aggressive style refers to communication through the expression of feelings and opinions without regard for others (Nguyen et al., 2019). In this case, individuals aim to intimidate the other party by speaking loudly, threatening, and blaming them. Lastly, the assertive style involves communication that has clear regard for the other party through respectful sharing of thoughts and opinions (Nguyen et al., 2019). Such communication provides opportunities for other parties to also give feedback that creating open communication channels that support understanding.
In the workplace, there are a number of people from different backgrounds with diverse communication styles. As a result, there might be differences in the way people perceive and express their feelings or opinions towards others. Therefore, understanding the different communication styles provides avenues for creating a well-balanced working environment that appreciates these differences and promotes open feedback channels (Nguyen et al., 2019). In most cases, the assertive communication style is the most efficient way when of passing information across the ranks since it provides opportunities for management and other employees to engage on different matters (Newnam & Goode, 2019). In instances where changes are being introduced, the assertive style enables a feedback mechanism that appreciates the views of others towards achieving the overall goals intended. However, in some cases, the...
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