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Television Industry Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Industry Analysis Assignment

Write an in depth analysis of the mass media industry of your choice. The traditional mass media—newspapers, television, film, magazines, books, and radio—have been the focus of much of the scholarship that media economists have produced. But the field also encompasses telecommunications and digital communications, along with associated industries such as advertising.

In a 3-4 page (double-spaced, 12pt font, 1" margins) paper, write an analysis of this industry, answering all of the following questions. Include a bibliography of at least 3 sources. Your textbook can serve as one source. Use MLA or APA citation:


Questions Your Paper Should Answer:

1. What are the industry's dominant economic traits?

2. What regulatory forces are at work in the industry and how strong are they? How do they impact and/or limit the industry's operations?

3. What are the forces of change or trends in the industry and what impact will they have?

4. Which companies or media vehicles are in the strongest competitive positions? Identify and describe at least three most successful businesses. Why were they able to be successful?

5. What key factors determine or will determine success or failure in this industry?

6. Will globalization affect this industry? Why or why not? If so, how?


* Paper plagiarized - automatic 0 will be awarded
* Discussed industry's dominant economic traits: /-20
* Discussed regulatory forces in the industry, strengths, and impact/limitations: /-20
*Discussed forces of change or trends in the industry and impact: /-25
*Discussed companies or media vehicles in the strongest competitive positions: /-25
* Identified and described at least three most successful businesses and reasons for success: /-25
*Discussed key factors to determine success or failure in this industry: /-15
*Did not discuss the entire industry - student selected a one channel/station, film, book, etc., on which to focus.:/-12
* Discussed impact or lack of impact of globalization: /-10
* Spelling and Grammar: /-10
* Deductions: insufficient length, improper format, no in-text citations, submitted after due date, industry not in list provided, no/incomplete bibliography:
TOTAL /100

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Television Industry Analysis
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Television Industry Analysis
The television industry exhibits several critical economic characteristics that make it a challenging market for new entrants. For one, the industry is oligopolistic, with a few major players dominating the market (Kind et al., 2007). As such, newcomers face an uphill battle in gaining market share or achieving economies of scale. Additionally, the television industry is capital-intensive, with significant investments in infrastructure, content production, and marketing (Knoche, 2015). Perhaps most notably, the industry is characterized by a high degree of vertical integration. Many of the largest companies, such as Disney, Comcast, and AT&T, own both content production and distribution channels, which allows them to control the entire process from creation to delivery. This, in turn, provides them with a competitive advantage in terms of cost reduction and market share protection. These traits contribute to a television industry that is difficult for new companies to penetrate.
The television industry is subject to several regulatory forces, which can significantly impact companies’ operations. For example, the FCC imposes rules on licensing and ownership, which can prevent media conglomerates from consolidating their control over a particular market (Kenton, 2022). Additionally, the FCC regulates content, monitoring broadcasts for indecency or obscenity and imposing penalties as necessary. Copyright law is another critical factor, as it limits how networks and production companies can exploit content without the creator’s permission (World Intellectual Property Organization, 2013). Overall, television companies must navigate complex regulations to operate effectively and legally.
The television industry is currently undergoing many significant changes. One of the most influential forces driving these changes is the rise of streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. These services have precipitated the trend of "cord-cutting," with viewers increasingly canceling traditional cable or satellite subscriptions in favor of streaming (Van Esler, 2020). As a result, networks are seeing declines in viewership and subscription rates, threatening their revenue streams and overall relevance. At the same time, the television industry is experiencing a surge in the production of high-quality, original programming, often referred to as "Peak TV." With so many high-quality shows to choose from, networks and streaming services compete to produce the best content to capture viewers' attention. Thus, while the rise of streaming services poses challenges for the television industry, the increased demand for high-quality programming provides new opportunities for networks to engage viewers.
Netflix, Disney, and Amazon each hold solid competitive positions in the media industry for different reasons. Netflix was an early pioneer in the streaming market, which allowed it to amass an extensive library of original content (Onyusheva & Baker, 2021). This early entry into the market has given Netflix a strong foothold that it has continued to build on over time. On the other hand, Disney benefits from its long history in the entertainment industry and its diversified portfolio of media properties (Sturgill, 2019). The company's well-established brand recognition is a critic...
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