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6 pages/≈1650 words
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English (U.S.)
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How Internet And Social Media Affecting U.S. Television

Essay Instructions:

For your final project, you will write a 6-8-page, double-spaced, APA-formatted, scholarly research paper one of the following research questions*: How are the internet and social media affecting the roles of U.S. television, radio, newspapers, and magazines as gatekeepers?Select one of the following areas:Political campaigningand analyze the impact that the internet has had in the context of one of the following mass communication theories or set of related mass communication theories: agenda-setting* Your instructor may assign your topic from this list. Your instructor also may permit students to pursue a research question not in this list. Check with your instructor first before you begin any work. 
Your paper should clearly state your position on/conclusions about the media effects issue posed in your research question, supported by researched evidence and reasons, including at least one relevant mass communication theory studied in this course. It should be 6-8 pages in length and employ 6-10 credible and authoritative resources, of which at least three must be peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. Its ideas must be properly documented with in-text citations and an end-of-text reference list that conform to the American Psychological Association's style rules
Specific quotations must be employed, properly integrated into the paper as direct quotes, summaries, or paraphrases accompanied by in-text citations that reflect American Psychological Association style rules. No more than three of the direct quotes may be extended/block quotes. The sources may not include general websites, blogs, Wikipedia, or wiki-type materials.
Your paper must be carefully edited and proofread. The paper also should follow the general American Psychological Association manuscript rules and be double-spaced with a title page. Please also make sure to verify the originality and documentation by submitting your paper to Turnitin.com if it is made available by your instructor. Consult your instructor for login details.
The grading rubric is here. (You may need to right-click and open the link in a new window or tab.) In general, the paper will be evaluated in terms of how well it meets the requirements of the assignment for both content and form; how in-depth the exploration and analysis of the issue is; how well outside sources are integrated into its narrative; the credibility, currency, and authority of its research; and how professionally the paper is written and edited in terms of academic language conventions.
If you need help with American Psychological Association citation style, see this Examples page in our library's resources. For help developing your paper, see the Effective Writing Center's online guides to writing and research. 
You must submit your paper in your assignment folder by 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday (note date!) of Week 8 unless otherwise directed by your instructor. Late papers cannot be accepted.
Grading rubric for Assignment 5 – Final Research Paper:
Level 5
Level 4
Criterion 1
10 points
Writer addressed assigned topic.
4 points
Writer did not address assigned topic.
Leve1 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Writer's central thesis or argument and major themes are readily apparent.
7 points
Writer's major themes are readily apparent but central thesis or argument is not clearly stated.
4 points
Writer's central thesis or argument or major themes are not readily apparent.
1 point
Writer's central thesis or argument and major themes are not readily apparent.
Quality of Research Effort
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Writer consulted more than the minimum required number of sources.
7 points
Writer consulted the minimum required number of sources.
3 points
Writer did not consult the minimum required number of sources.
Quality of Sources
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Sources used are credible, authoritative, relevant and appropriate for the type of document produced.
8 points
Sources used generally are credible, authoritative, relevant and appropriate for the type of document produced.
6 points
Some sources used generally are not credible, authoritative, relevant or appropriate for the type of document produced.
4 points
Many of the resources used are not credible, authoritative, relevant or appropriate for the type of document produced.
0 points
No credible, authoritative, relevant and or appropriate sources are used.
Synthesis of Information/Ideas
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Researched information is synthesized and integrated fluidly into a thoughtful, balanced, and in-depth analysis. Reader gains important insights.
8 points
Researched information is synthesized fairly well and integrated fairly fluidly into a generally balanced and fairly in-depth analysis. Reader gains insights.
6 points
Researched information may not be synthesized well or may not be integrated fluidly to provide reasonable support for a balanced and in-depth analysis.
4 points
Researched information displays basic synthesis and analysis.
0 points
Information is not necessary or not sufficient to support a basic analysis.
Critical Thinking
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Writer's reasons and evidence logically support the thesis or argument.
8 points
Writer's reasons and evidence generally support the central thesis or argument logically. 
6 points
Writer's reasons and evidence generally support the central thesis or argument, with some logic lapses. 
4 points
Writer's reasons and/or evidence often do not logically support the central thesis or argument. 
0 points
Writer's reasons and evidence are not logical. 
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Writer presents original ideas and does not merely parrot readings presented in course or other references, or from instructor.
8 points
Writer uses own ideas, but relies heavily on readings presented in course or other references, or the instructor's point of view.
6 points
Writer does not use own ideas and only uses readings presented in course or other references and/or the instructor as sources of information.
4 points
Writer presents few or rudimentary analysis.
0 points
Writer presents no analysis
Leve1 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
The writer's inductive or deductive train of thought is clear to the reader.
8 points
The writer's inductive or deductive train of thought is generally made clear to the reader.
6 points
The reader sometimes has to strive to understand the writer's inductive or deductive train of thought.
4 points
The reader frequently cannot understand the writer's inductive or deductive train of thought.
0 points
The writer's inductive or deductive train of thought is not clear to the reader.
Criterion 2
10 points
Paper's paragraphs and sentences are cohesive. The writer's ideas flow smoothly from one another and are clearly linked to each other.
8 points
Paper's paragraphs and sentences are generally cohesive. The writer's ideas are usually clearly linked to each other.
6 points
Paper's paragraphs and sentences sometimes aren't cohesive. The writer's ideas sometimes do not clearly link to each other.
4 points
Paper's paragraphs and sentences are not cohesive. The writer's ideas frequently do not clearly link to each other.
0 points
Paper's paragraphs and sentences frequently do not make sense together. The writer's ideas do not clearly link to each other.
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
All references are correctly cited in the body of the paper, and correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style rules.
8 points
Most of the references are correctly cited in the body of the paper, and correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style rules.
6 points
Some of the references are not correctly cited in the body of the paper, and/or not correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style rules.
4 points
Multiple/all references are not correctly cited in the body of the paper, and/or not correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style rules.
0 points
Paper does not appear to have been researched or no references are correctly cited in the body of the paper, and/or correctly listed in the reference list according to APA style rules.
Quality of Writing
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
The writing is compelling. It grabs the reader and sustains interest throughout.
8 points
The writing is generally engaging, with some lapses. In general, the paper is focused and keeps the reader's attention. 
6 points
The writing is dull and not engaging. Though the paper has some interesting parts, the reader finds it difficult to maintain interest.
4 points
The writing has little personality and does not sustain the reader's interest. 
Writing Mechanics
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics reflect the level of writing expected of a college student.
7 points
Grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics generally reflect the level of writing expected of a college student.
3 points
Grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics do not reflect the level of writing expected of a college student.
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Paper is written in the third person.
7 points
Paper sometimes lapses into first and/or second person.
3 points
Paper is entirely written in first and/or second person.
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Document is formatted according to APA manuscript conventions.
7 points
Document isgenerally formatted according to APA manuscript conventions, with some lapses.
3 points
Document isnot formatted according to APA manuscript conventions.
Level 2
Level 1
Criterion 1
10 points
Document meets minimum word/page count, indicating it has met minimum requirements for depth and breadth of discussion.
4 points
Document does not meet the minimum word/page count needed to reflect the depth and breadth of discussion expected.
Overall Score
Level 5
135 or more
Level 4
120 or more
Level 3
105 or more
Level 2
90 or more
Level 1
0 or more
150 - 135 points = 100% - 90% = A
134 - 120 points = 89% - 80% = B
119 - 105 points = 79% - 70% = C
104 - 90 points = 69% - 60% = D
89 - 0 points = 59% - 0% = F

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How are the internet and social media affecting the roles of U.S. television, radio, newspapers, and magazines as gatekeepers?
In the digital age, both mainstream mass media outlets and social media are useful in producing news. Social media sites have changed the media landscape that the journalists in the traditional mass media increasingly have to engage with the audiences directly, and many outlets have social media sites especially on social media platforms (Meraz, 2009). Even though there is more user-generated content in social media sites, the gate keeping practices ...
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